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去喝它,它是清醇的酒!Go and drink it, mellow wine!

去喝它,它是清醇的酒!Go and drink it, the mellow wine!

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本品口感清醇,清香怡人。The product taste, mellowness, pleasant fragrance.

清醇甘甜之美,星月深空之幽。Mellow sweetness, beauty of field of deep space unseen.

顷刻间,再一次被清醇的奶油香征服。And instant, I was newly submerged by such mellow milk smells.

清醇入耳,柔情优雅,给人舒服的感觉。Mellowness ear, tenderness elegant, giving a comfortable feeling.

阴凉处的泉水清醇,情人间的嗔怒甜美。——瓦鲁瓦尔。The shade of the fresh water from the spring, the petulant sweet lovers.

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每杯清醇花香的绿茶,散发着夜间开放的茉莉花的自然芬芳,香气诱人。The natural scent of night blooming jasmine flowers is captured in every cup of this light and floral green tea.

此款白酒非常新鲜清醇,含有丰富矿物质,浓厚的苹果和柑橘香味。This fresh white wine commands a refreshingly elegant character offering mineral, citrus and green aoole aromas.

精选有机白牡丹茶,纯天然无污染,营养丰富。汤色杏黄明亮,口感清醇微甜,毫香鲜嫩持久。It is natural and unpolluted and has rich nutrition. It features bright apricot color, mild taste and soothing fragrance.

华清池水温为摄氏43度,水质清醇,含有硫磺等多种矿物元素,最宜沐。The water here is clear and uncontaminated. At a constant 430C, it contains various kinds of mineral salts and sulphates and is ideal for bathing in.

女孩子们穿着不同款式的衣服,有些带着眼睛扮清醇,有些则相当成熟,甚至有些性感。但是看上去好像都很青睐黑色。Girls dressed in different styles, some were pure, wearing a pair of glasses, some were rather mature, even very sexy, or charming, it seems they preferred black more than any other colors.