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这是一个为期两天的研习会。This will be a two-day workshop.

他们在这作为期三天的访问。They are here on a three-day visit.

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他请了为期三天的病假。He asked for a three-day sick leave.

那是一个为期10天的密集训练。It was a ten-day intensive training.

为期8个月的拍摄甚是艰难。The eight-month shoot was difficult.

那是一个为期两天的系列讲座。It was a two-day package of lectures.

我赢得了为期一周的去火奴鲁鲁的免费旅行。I just won a free week's tour to Honolulu!

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为期10天的展销会于昨天开始。A 10-day display and sale opened yesterday.

她被给予一张为期一年的居住证。She is grant a residence permit for one year.

奥巴马总统已经提出进行为期90天的审查。The President has called for a 90-day review.

为期两年的项目早已结束。The two-year project has long since finished.

中国取消为期一周的五一假期。China has canceled week-long May Day holidays.

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在为期两年的时间里,他打了699肉糜。In a two year period he struck out 699 batters.

兰斯布里的这次紧急签约为期28天。Lansbury moves on a 28-day emergency loan deal.

为教师们设计了为期七周的培训课程系列。Designed the 7-week training module for teachers.

这场悲剧发生时,奈纳德维女神殿内面挤满了人,当时正是为期9天的那婆罗怛罗节的第二天。The temple was packed at the time of the tragedy.

这是一年级教的为期一年的课程。This is a one-year course taken in thejunior year.

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我们出售的照相机,每台都有一张为期两年的保修单。Every camera we sell comes with a two-year __ A __.

方法为期12周的随机、开放性比较研究。Methods A 12-w open and random study was performed.

委员会刚刚完成了为期两天的会议。The committee had just completed a two-day meeting.