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所以我们开始探询。So we begin to enquire.

不过在探询消息时一定要谨慎。But be discreet with your inquiries.

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因为,我们在一起探询,探索。Because we are enquiring, exploring together.

我探询这些形体的机理。I inquired about the mechanism of these figures.

快结束时,斯普鲁恩斯和帕格·亨利交换了一下探询的眼色。Spruance and Pug Henry exchanged quizzical looks near the end.

通过冥想和自我探询,将使你的头脑感到清静。It will calm your mind through meditation and self-questioning.

画里的人继续探询的看着总理。The man in the painting looked inquiringly at the Prime Minister.

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我带着探询的眼神看着桌子上的卡片,把它拿起来阅读。I looked quizzically at the card on the table and took it to read.

真让你拚死也得去吃,诱惑你去追求或是探询。Really desperate you have to go, you tempted to pursue or explore.

“那他还会用手捂着心口吗?”珠儿探询着。"And will he always keep his hand over his heart?" inquired Pearl.

同时,他还在充满悲剧意蕴的苦难现实生活中,探询着人性。He is in the fill tragedy and distressful life to inquire the humanity.

她之前的一位出版商听说≪探询中美合作所≫这本书很兴奋。One of her previous publishers was excited to hear about Exploring SACO.

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轮叫探询机制己被应用于实时控制网络。Roll-call polling mechanism is considered for real-time control networks.

朋友们谨慎地代表他探询外交界的反应。Friends have discreetly sounded out opinion on the diplomatic circuit on his behalf.

接着他探询着望向高空,——因为他听到头顶有鸟在尖叫。Then he looked inquiringly aloft, -- for he heard above him the sharp call of a bird.

在探询温拌沥青应用前景时,我们必须提出几个问题。In exploring whether warm mix is the wave of the future, we must address many questions.

过去与这探询无关,过去是琐碎的,因为它与那新秩序无关。The past is irrelevant to this enquiry, and trivial, because it is irrelevant to the new order.

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本文第一部分着重探询了昆德拉的流亡书写与身份认同之间的关联。The first chapter deals with the relations between Milan Kundera's writing on exile and identity.

他追根问底的探询质疑采访风格独树一帜,深受大众喜爱。His unique investigation and questioning interviewing style is greatly popular with large audience.

如果你真的在探询,那么你就不能从一个结论开始,所有的思想观念都是一种结论。If you are really enquiring you cannot start with a conclusion, and all ideologies are a conclusion.