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那道清炖牛肉胡萝卜的菜味道不错。The dish of boiled beef and carrot tastes good.

主菜将是一整条清炖鲑鱼。The main course was to be a whole poached salmon.

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清炖牛肉风味通过描述分析评定。The stewed beef aroma was used to quante descriptive analysis.

给我们两份定菜。我知道你们有清炖肉汤和奶油鸡。The two table d'hôte for us. I see you have consommé and cream of chicken. Which is better?

你可以有很多种吃鱼的方法,油炸,清炖,红烧,等等。You can have many kinds of methods to eat fish, fried, stew in clear soup, braising with soy sauce, etc.

一般制作高品质的清炖肉汤需要先进的烹饪知识和过往经验。It usually requires an advanced knowledge of cooking andpast experience to create a high quality consommé.

任何一个吃过花生清炖牛肉那道菜都会同意它很美味。Anyone who has had its dish of gently stewed beef with ground peanuts atop rice would agree it's delicious.

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如鸳鸯膏蟹、生菜龙虾、红炖鱼翅、蚝烙、清炖乌耳鳗、清汤蟹丸等,是潮菜海鲜类的代表名作。Stewed red shark, baked oysters, clear beef broth Eel Ukrainian ears are the representation of Chaozhou Cuisine's seafood.

炖、烧的丸子一般个头较大,如清炖狮子头、红烧四喜丸子等,要用猪五花肉。Stew, cooked meatballs are generally larger, such as stewed lion head, braised braised pork balls in Gravy Sauce, use pig pork.

汤色如清炖肉汤一般清澈,需要硬皮法式面包和辣味的大蒜蛋黄酱佐餐。The soup itself should be clear, like a consommé, and it is eaten with crusty French bread and a pepper and garlic dip called rouille.

因此,产妇产后若吃一只清炖的大公鸡,连同睾丸一起食用,无疑会促进乳汁分泌增多。Therefore, if post-natal mothers to eat a big cock clear beef broth, along with testicle eating together will no doubt increase the promotion of milk secretion.

清炖肉汤是一种清羹汤,用味道丰富的原汤或肉汤制成,通常经过用蛋白质澄清的过程。In cooking, a consomméis a type of clear soupmade from richly flavored stockor bouillon that has been clarified usually through a fining processinvolving egg protein.