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行书是我国书写文字的一种方法。I write using a word processor.

此七律三首是饶介由行书书成。内容大体是与友人饮酒后所作之诗。The poem was written by Jao Chieh after drinking with a friend.

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他的回忆录并没有上流行书排名榜,但是他把过去理顺了。His memoir hadn ' t been a best seller , but he had put the past in order.

一个字体非常好的硬笔行书,你的作品可以用他来写说明。A very good font Hard-point Pen Fame, your work can be used to write his note.

写得快一些的话,还有行书和草书。For those who are writing very fast they have semi-cursive and cursive script.

通俗书法类型与行书同步发展,互为补充。The demotic scripts and the Semi-cursive script developed in parallel complementarily.

图为最擅长写行书的晋代大书法家王羲之。Portrait of Wang Xizhi, the great Jin calligrapher, famed for his semi-cursive writing.

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肖恩米希恩是历史和旅行书和维特根斯坦的一个引导作家的作家。Seán M. Sheehan is a writer of history and travel books and the author of a guide to Wittgenstein.

赵之谦行书是碑帖结合的极高成就。The Zhao Zhiqian running script is the rubbing from a stone inscription union side high achievement.

书体涉及了隶术、楷书、行书、草书、大字和小字等内容。Book body involved scribe surgery, regular script, running script, cursive, characters, and small print and so on.

中国人民银行昨日在全国范围内发行5000万枚5元黄铜硬币,背面主景图案为“和”字的行书书法。The PBOC issued 50 million 5-yuan brass coins nationwide yesterday that has the Chinese character "Harmony" on the back.

中国人民银行昨日在全国范围内发行5000万枚5元黄铜硬币,背面主景图案为“和”字的行书书法。Thee PBOC issued 50 million 5-yuan brass coins nationwide yesterday that has the Chinese character "Harmony" on the back.

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行书是一种介于草书与楷书之间的字体,没有楷书那么整齐,也没有草书那么难以辨认。Running is a cross between a cursive font with regular script, no regular script between neat, no cursive so as beyond recognition.

此作为行书,代表了康熙皇帝书法艺术成熟时期的水平。此轴当为康熙皇帝46至49岁的作品。The reel was the representation of the ripe level of emperor Kangxi's calligraphy and created in the period at the age of 46 to 49.

刘阳作字不择工具,饱蘸浓墨,用隶书笔意作行书,掺以篆书笔法,格调高雅,清新脱俗,随心所欲而不逾矩。Liu Yang has no preference for any tool when writing. He uses a thick-ink-saturated brush to create running-hand works pursuant to the conception of official style.

行书的变体。晋书法机家王献之改变字体,别具新法,创造了变体的行书,被称为‘破体’。The change form of written that calligraphy machine king in the house of Jin dedicate, don't have a new method, created to change the running script of body, is called'break a body'.

本文从赵之谦行书风格的形成与演变与对赵之谦行书的具体分析两大部分进行论述。This article with the running script concrete study two major part carries on the elaboration from the Zhao Zhiqian running script style's formation and the evolution to Zhao Zhiqian.

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汉字由纵向书写改为横写形式之后,为汉字的连写提出不小的难题,尤其是行书的书写,横连方式成为书法表达值得探讨的问题。After the transformation from longitudinal writing to transverse writing, there was a very big problem of Chinese characters' stroke connection, especially the writing of Running Script.

汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的书写,例如篆书,隶书,楷书和行书。During their long history of development, Chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms, such as the seal character, offical script, regular script and running script.

汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的书写形式,例如篆书、隶书、楷书和行书。During their long history of development, Chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms, such as the seal character, official script, regular script and running script.