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家庭关系使她在政治上获得了初步的立脚点。Family connections gave her a toehold in politics.

我一找到立脚点马上就通知你。Once I have found a place to live, I will notify you.

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我们试着解释一下这两个立脚点的意思。Let me try to explain what he means by these two standpoints.

这家公司急于在北美市场找到一个立脚点。The firm is anxious to gain a toehold in the North American market.

它是统治者制定政策与法律的立脚点。It is also a fundamental tool for the rule laying down policy and law.

马克思主义哲学的立脚点是“人类社会或社会化了的人类”。The foothold of Marxism Philosophy is "human society or socialized humans".

他们不想让移民配偶们在这个国家找到立脚点。“莎莉文说。They don't want the spouses to get a foothold in the country "sullivan says."

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他渴望能有一个稳当的立脚点,既可观察世界又不受其害。He longed for some central certainty, from which he could look out upon the world safe from hurt.

埃及一直坚持称国外极端主义组织在这个国家没有立脚点。Egypt has typically insisted that the international extremist group has no foothold in the country.

你分析问题的立脚点有偏差,不及时纠正,很难得到正确的结论。You have a wrong positon when making analysis. If not corrected in time, you can hardly get correct conclusions.

我们要区分两个立脚点,这两个立脚点可以让我们理解我们的日常经验。We need to make a distinction between two standpoints, two standpoints from which we can make sense of our experience.

行政的立脚点是公共利益,这是国家正义和法治的要求。The public administration should stand on the public interests, which is required for the national justices and the rule by law.

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但是印度在设法获得立脚点方面动作迟缓,而美国和欧盟却在近来延长了对缅甸的制裁期限。But India hasbeen slow in trying to gain a toehold, while Americaand the European Union have recently extended sanctions on Myanmar.

加强与发展中国家的团结和合作关系是中国外交政策的基本立脚点。It is the standpoint of china's foreign policies to strengthen and develop a solidarity and corporate relationship with developing countries.

据说当时德国急于在伊朗市场找一个立脚点,它要保证克拉夫特维克的投资万无一失。It was said at the time that the German government was so eager to find a foothold in the Iranian market that it guaranteed Kraftwerk's investment against any loss.

敌兵由于他们的将领身先士卒和不断鼓励,杀到了桥上,已经占有立脚点,开始拆除封锁桥梁的障碍了。Animated by the example and exhortations of their generals, they obtained a footing upon the bridge itself, and began to remove the obstacles by which it was blockaded.

马克思之前的旧唯物主义把自然和社会历史割裂开来,以抽象化的、纯粹的自然界为立脚点,无论如何也实现不了唯物主义向上的发展。Old materialism viewed nature and social history separately. based an abstract and pure natural world, it, in any case can not bring materialism to further development.

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卢卡奇“总体”范畴的重要性在于,它不仅构成对第二国际庸俗马克思主义进行批判的主要立脚点,而且由之引申出对马克思哲学重新加以阐释的基本路向。The importance of Lukacs' "general" category lies in its criticism of the 2nd International vulgar Marxism and points out the key approach to a re-interpretation of Marxist philosophy.