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他的计划后患无穷。His plans are a recipe for disaster.

邪恶的种子,如果不及时除掉,任其生长,那将后患无穷。Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruin.

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如果仅仅为求水景做水,肯定后患无穷。If only for the sake of doing water fountains certainly will be endless.

在八个月内游览十二个国家可能会后患无穷。Visiting twelve countries in eight months is a little recipe for disaster.

以色列担心这个阿拉伯国家如果不收敛其核野心就将后患无穷。Israel fears the Arab state won't scale back off its nuclear ambitions unless consequences are feared.

两种担忧都不可小视,区别在于通货膨胀还很遥远并且可控,而通货紧缩却已迫在眉睫,且后患无穷。There is something to both fears. But inflation is distant and containable, while deflation is at hand and pernicious.

这是不公平的,显然就是挑衅,此举可能让地中海和欧洲后患无穷。This is injustice, it's a clear aggression and it is uncalculated risk for its consequences on the Mediterranean and Europe.

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会计信息失真已成为当前我国社会经济发展的一个重大痼疾,不及时治疗,后患无穷。Unreality of information on accounting has been the stubborn disease which hinders the development of the economy of our country.

我极其痛恨建这类房子的人,其实他们很清楚这类房子后患无穷,然而,却要大肆鼓吹其优越性。I very people who built these houses, they clearly such houses will be endless, however, have vigorously advocated its advantages.

不说古树移载过程的麻烦,单是今后物业投入的精力就会使发展商后患无穷。Old trees have found that the process is not trouble, the energy inputs alone will enable future property developers will be endless.

芬克称,面临危机时,过早做出的错误决定往往后患无穷,因为公司的领导者在为这些错误决定作辩护时,往往被迫处于一种难堪的处境。A bad decision made early in a time of crisis lives on, says Fink, because a leader is often put in the unenviable position of defending it.

然而,性也不总是愉悦美妙,当它被不当滥用,常常也会带来伤害,甚至后患无穷。However, sex has its limits. When it is abused its affects are no longer completely pleasurable but often harmful and can even be destructive.

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结果就是暴力的行为对他们来说后患无穷,据说现在的塔利班领袖们在作为娃娃兵与苏联作战时期就自断牙齿。The result is a violent gift that keeps on giving -- today's Taliban leaders reputedly cut their teeth in the field as child soldiers fighting the Soviets.

其行为严重干扰了日常财务治理秩序,损害着集体经济利益,它的存在后患无穷,危害诸多。Its behavior violated order of day-to-day financial management badly, harming collective economy interest, its existence future trouble is boundless, the harm is a lot of.

但万万不可让外国插手,那样只能意味着中国还未独立,后患无穷。But under no circumstances will we allow any foreign country to interfere. Foreign interference would simply mean China is still not independent, and that would lead to no end of trouble.

历史表明,在中东问题上,任何偏袒和短视的调解行动只会加剧矛盾,有害互信,引发对抗,后患无穷。It has been shown by history that on the Middle Eastissue, biased and short-sighted mediation would only escalate tension, harm mutual trust, trigger confrontation and lead to endless troubles.

有些人老是喜欢去模仿别人,但是模仿并不必定适宜自己,所以千万不要简略模仿,否则对于麻将技巧的了解来说,真的是后患无穷。Some people always like to imitate others, but imitation is not necessarily suitable for themselves, so, don't a brief imitation, otherwise for mahjong skills to understand, really is the devil.