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这又干瘦又丑陋的母牛吃尽了那以先的七只肥母牛The lean, ugly coes ate up the seven fat cows that came up first.

一位干瘦的农民正在码头上卖甘蔗。A WIZENED farmer selling sugarcane on the quayside is enthusiastic.

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这又丑陋又干瘦的七只母牛吃尽了那又美好又肥壮的七只母牛。And the cows that were ugly and gaunt ate up the seven sleek, fat cows.

这个干瘦的老太婆伸出她褶皱的手指,带着凶兆落在死神这张牌上。The crone lifts her wrinkled finger and drops it ominously on the Death card.

他年已四十,瘦骨嶙峋,一张干瘦的脸,刻板而迂腐。He was a man of forty, thin, with a pinched face, precise and rather pedantic.

憔悴、干瘦、坚毅的他回到了不断缩小的新共和国领土。He returned to the dwindling New Republic territories, haggard, thin and hardened.

他又瘦又长,像根干瘦的丝瓜筋,不过眼睛很大,射出蓝宝石般的光辉。He was thin and long, like a root skinny loofah, but big eyes, shot a brilliant sapphire.

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这又丑陋又干瘦的七只母牛吃尽了那又美好又肥壮的七只母牛。法老就醒了。And the cows that were ugly and gaunt ate up the seven sleek, fat cows. Then Pharaoh woke up.

号房间的门突然开了,从里面伸出一只干瘦的长满灰色毛发的胳膊,手上的指甲又长又脏。The door of number 13 opened suddenly and an arm came out. The arm was thin and covered in gray hairs.

她转身要离开而他干瘦的手却抓住她的上臂,毫不迟疑把她拽住。She had started to turn away when his lean hand caught her upper arm and held her in place, unobtrusively.

葡萄园里的葡萄藤干瘦而光秃,也只剩屈曲虬枝,整个乡村潮湿,呈现出一副棕色的画面,笼罩着秋的死寂。The vineyards were thin and bare, branched too and all the country wet and brown and dead with the autumn.

随后又有七只母牛从河里上来,又丑陋又干瘦,与那七只母牛一同站在河边。After them, seven other cows, ugly and gaunt, came up out of the Nile and stood beside those on the riverbank.

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他干瘦的下颚绷得紧紧的。“这里有很多和你年龄相仿的男孩,”他生气说。“为什么不找他们?”His lean jaw tautened. "There are boys your own age here, " he said angrily. "Why not dally with them instead?"

可是身体还是那么干瘦,上面布满了皱纹。小蜗牛管不了太多,他要去送信。But the body is still thin with wrinkles. The little snail cannot think too muck, for he will go to send the message.

有一阵儿,马一动不动地站着,随后,它干瘦的腿越来越弯,慢慢地倒在了地上。For a moment the Horse stood motionless. Then gradually its thin legs began to bend and it sank slowly to the ground.

穿着蓬松的亮粉色冬季夹克,娜迪娅坐在一个小办公室里,干瘦的手指上戴着两只金戒指。Wearing a bright pink, puffy winter jacket, Nadia took a seat in a small office, two gold rings circling bony fingers.

随后又有七只母牛上来,又软弱又丑陋又干瘦,在埃及遍地,我没有见过这样不好的。After them, seven other cows came up-scrawny and very ugly and lean. I had never seen such ugly cows in all the land of Egypt.

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比如,瘦小的女孩就应该佩戴小巧的手镯或者是精致的手链,如果佩戴了大的手镯,却更显手腕的干瘦。For example, thin girls should wear a bracelet or a small fine bracelet, bracelet if you wear a large, but even more skinny wrist.

不久,这个幻想破灭的少女回到了马娄特村,阴郁地单独生活著,直到她那幼小干瘦的婴儿死去。After a while back to marlott came the disillusioned girl where she lived in a gray seclusion until her wizened little baby's death.

号房间的门突然开了,从里面伸出一只干瘦的长满灰色毛发的胳膊,手上的指甲又长又脏。The door of number 13 opened suddenly and an arm came out. The arm was thin and covered in gray hairs . The fingernails were long and dirty.