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唯一的问题是探照灯。Only problem's the searchlights.

探照灯扫视着夜空。Searchlights probed the night sky.

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探照灯扫过天空。Searchlights swept across the sky.

我们更换了两盏探照灯。We have replaced two searchlights.

探照灯的灯光横扫夜空。The searchlights raked the night sky.

巨大的探照灯正搜索着天空。Big searchlights are searching the sky.

包括衣服、头盔、手套、鞋袜、背包、雨具、探照灯、控制柄及其他自行车部件、配饰等。other cycle parts and accessories, etc.

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看得见远方的探照灯光。Off in the distance we see searchlights.

右翼下加装了搜索探照灯。A searchlight is added in the right wing.

他向飞机打探照灯。He played a searchlight upon the aeroplane.

探照灯在夜空中扫掠。Searchlights are sweeping in the night sky.

探照灯光扫过夜空。The searchlights swept across the night sky.

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他们用探照灯照射那条路。They played the searchlights along the road.

船上的探照灯光刺破黑暗。The ship’s running lights pinpointed the dark.

一道道探照灯刺破天空。The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky.

他的手电筒像探照灯一样指向埃里克。His flashlight turned on Eric like searchlights.

强大的探照灯“啪”的一声打开,向这片区域扫射。Powerful searchlights snap on and scan the area.

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探照灯射出一道道强光。The searchlights projected powerful beams of light.

我们常打开探照灯照她们,好让她们安静下来。We used to turn the searchlight on them to quiet them.

探照灯的抛物面反射镜发出平行光束。The parabolic reflector of a searchlight gives a parallel beam.