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声带,颈部腺体,咽喉。C5- Vocal cords, neck glands, pharynx.

但狮子强有力的声带是方形的。But the lion's mighty pipes are square.

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大多数动物是三角形声带。Most animals have triangular vocal cords.

同样的原则也适用于我们的声带。The same principle applies to our vocal chords.

那么你最喜欢NM原声带里的哪首歌曲呢?What's your favorite song from the NM soundtrack?

声带开始愈合,我也能够再次唱出来了。my vocal cords healed and I learned to sing again.

我希望你们会喜欢这张电影原声带以及我的演出!I hope you guys will like the soundtrack and my acting!

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喉声带下方可见大溃疡。Below the vocal cords in this larynx are large ulcerations.

电影原声带里你最喜欢哪首歌?What's one of your favorite songs on the film's soundtrack?

那些狗被切除了声带。Those dogs were debarked by removal of the true vocal cords.

浊子音发音时有声带振动,清子音没有。All voiced consonants are produced with vocal-cord vibration.

受过训练的歌剧演唱家的声带能伸展将近半英寸。Trained opera singer's bands can stretch nearly half an inch.

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在发浊辅音时,声带要震动。When we pronounce voiced consonants, the vocal chords vibrate.

这部电影随着故事的进行愈发黑暗,其原声带亦如此。This movie gets darker with every scene and so does the soundtrack.

我的原声带是一份拷贝的拷贝,你可以想象其音质。Mine was a copy of a copy though so you can imagine how it turned out.

在声带息肉的发病机制中免疫病理改变起着重要的作用。Local allergy may play a role in the pathogenesis of vocal fold polyps.

声带闭合不全与吸烟无明显关系。Incomplete closure of vocal cord had no obvious relationship to smoking.

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杰克有一组从原声带上转录的披头士乐队的歌曲。Jack has a set of the Beatles ' songs recorded from the original onto tape.

这两个机器人已经简化了声带,它们的声音不可思议地像人。The robots have simplified vocal cords, and their voices are strangely human.

收养切除声带的狗狗的主人们说他们理解动物人权协会的焦虑。People with debarked dogs said they understood animal rights groups’ concerns.