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雪的下面,又掩藏着什么呢?Below the snow, but also hidden what?

月亮掩藏于云后。The moon hid itself behind the clouds.

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她骄傲地展示上身,却仔细掩藏了下体。She shows her topsides, hides her bottom.

我虚张声势,正努力掩藏自己的恐惧。I was bluffing, attempting to hide my fear.

他一直将自己的行迹掩藏得很好。He has been hiding his whereabouts very well.

掩藏着他们纠缠的幽怨。They have concealed their tangled grievances.

你将永远能够辨识掩藏的情绪。You will always recognize concealed emotions.

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我曾惯于掩藏真爱,然后品着孤独。I used to hide my love carefully, then tasted lonely.

将你的生命和美质多半掩藏。Which hides your life, and shows not half your parts.

如今早期基督教被掩藏已久的那一面正在重见天日。A long-buried side of early Christianity is re-emerging.

正如这里的有识之士,中国领导人也相信,绿色中掩藏着金矿。Chinese leaders are also convinced there's gold in green.

你星夜般的眼睛掩藏在幕帘之下。You hide in the starry night like eyes under the curtain.

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在全视图掩藏的一个恶魔般地聪明的秘密装置。Just a diabolically clever gimmick that hides in full view.

山体里的两条隧道都被专业地掩藏起来。Both of the tunnels in the mountain were professionally masked.

她爱把自己的脸掩藏在齐腰长的头发后面。She likes to hide her face behind curtains of waist-length hair.

沙漠之所以美丽,是因为在它的某个角落还掩藏着一口井。What makes the desert beautiful, is that somewhere it hides a well.

我常常觉察到,在他温文尔雅的下面掩藏着一种恶意。I had always been aware of a frame of malevolence under his urbanity.

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我想要掩藏自己在一个未知的地方正驼鸟在沙漠。I want to hide myself in a unknown place just as the ostrich in desert.

尽管江雾缭绕,浓云弥漫,也丝毫不能掩藏其璀璨。Even the permeating fog and shadowing clouds could not veil its splendor.

我所以信口絮聒,把我的心掩藏在言语后面,也就是这个缘故。That is why I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words.