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我们还没定下举办演讲逐鹿的时间。We haudio-videoen't decided when to hold the speech contest.

我认为你们的产品可以使你们胜过逐鹿对手。The product gives you some edge over your competitors, I guess.

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观众享用一个关于亨曼山6月25日大屏幕的逐鹿。学习费德勒对特松加。Spectators enjoy a match on the silver screen on Henma good Hill June 25.

微型投影全球逐鹿,三大技术谁主沉浮?Of the three competing technologies for mini projecting, which one would lead the way?

近代,伊拉克发现了丰富的石油,成为世界列强的逐鹿之地。Iraq was found abundance of petroleum in modern times and many international powers fought for it.

他们还会在赴任的第一天、每个赛季之前、每场逐鹿之前找闭会。They'll also come to you requesting a meeting on your first day in the job pre-season and pre-match.

我们得造就更多一流的工程师参与同日本的技术逐鹿。We haudio-videoe to train more first-clbum engineers to compete in the technology r_ design with Japan.

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cn将在今年推出,加入社会化网络在中国的逐鹿。 will be launched in China this year and will join the existing social network competition there.

这无疑是一个宣言,总结出富力集团多年来逐鹿沙场的最高“心法”。"This is a declaration, summed up decimating groups fought for years importance from the highest" tactic ".

当我们不再与竞争对手较力,而开始逐鹿某一情境时,我们会表现得更好。When we stop competing against a rival and instead start competing against the situation, we perform far better.

但这种逐鹿是壮健的,我们以自有的实力离间和尝试新的作品。But this kind of competition is heingternativehy because we can take up the chinglenge try to work to our strengths.

“球王”贝利日前对逐鹿德国世界盃的各支队伍进行了点评,他认为英格兰队和义大利队今夏最有可能夺得冠军。Brazilian legend Pele believes both England and Italy have strong chances of winning the World Cup in Germany this summer.

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随著竞争情报在企业逐鹿市场、克敌制胜中的作用日益突显,竞争情报教育悄然兴起。With the increasing outstanding of competitive intelligence in enterprise, competitive intelligence education and quietly spring up.

随着竞争情报在企业逐鹿市场、克敌制胜中的作用日益突显,竞争情报教育悄然兴起。With the increasing outstanding of competitive intelligence in enterprise. competitive intelligence education and quietly spring up.

想逐鹿群雄,问鼎中原,你有英雄识英雄的慧眼,只有你最知道,什么样的选择最适合你。Would like to chase the deer warlords, won the Central Plains, you know there are heroes heroes eye, only you know what is best for you.

在国家调整结构,治理产能过剩的问题,一场央企逐鹿的钢铁重组浪潮已经到来。In the country, the governance structure adjustment, overcapacity problem of a wave of restructuring steel scholars from renmin has come.

瑞士表厂也纷纷在华设立办事机构,一场针对中国市场的逐鹿大战拉开序幕。Switzerland wristwatches plants also establish offices in China one after another, a fight aiming at China market has opened its prelude.

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它是建筑设计机构展示项目、聆听启发性演讲、以及逐鹿世界建筑节大奖独一无二的机会。It is a unique meeting point for the architectural community to showcase projects, hear inspirational speakers and compete for a WAF Award.

观众在观看温布尔登草地网球锦标赛在全英草地网球和槌球俱乐部在伦敦6月28日的逐鹿。在所。Spectators watch a match during the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Chrevionships at a All Engla goodd Lawn Tennis a goodd Croquet Club June 28 in London.

就是在革命者中展开的那种为争夺人世间统治权的逐鹿,也都赫然打上了各种各样两性观念逐鹿的烙印。The competition among the revolutionists for mastery in the human world has been emphatically marked by a competition in conceptions of sex relations.