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哈马斯击败了执政党法塔赫。Hamas defeated the ruling Fateh party.

一时一刻都不要以为执政党认输了。Do not think for a minute that power concedes.

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执政党自大傲慢、任人唯亲、贪污腐败。The ruling party is arrogant, nepotistic and corrupt.

三个党派联合起来对付执政党。Three parties lined up to deal with the government party.

费南德兹是执政党国家行动党高级官员。Mr. Fernandez is a top official of the governing PAN Party.

待他们学习到教训,在轮为执政党。Until they have their lessons, they can be government party again.

执政党的最大危险是脱离群众。For the party in power, the greatest danger is divorced from the masses.

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Mandaza先生表示,执政党的“暴力机器”已经崩溃了。Mr Mandaza says the ruling party's "machinery of violence" has collapsed.

另一个兄弟穆罕默德是执政党联合交易所,并与皇帝曼努埃尔。Another brother Mehmed was ruling Bursa and was allied with Emperor Manuel.

但实现从革命党到执政党的真正转型,还经历了一段很长的历程。It was a long way to transform from a revolutionary party to a ruling party.

第一,工人阶级执政党必须处理好与人民群众的关系。First, working class party in power must coordinate relationship with masses.

在美国,滞涨曾经导致执政党在选举中失利。In the U.S., stagflation has led to electoral losses for the governing party.

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执政党中还有其他人也指责萨科奇背叛了戴高乐主义。Others in the ruling party accused Sarkozy of betraying his Gaullist heritage.

这是比较容易,他现在就可以选择一个新的执政党党主席。That is somewhat easier now that he gets to choose a new ruling-party chairman.

⑴执政党的党风建设关系到它的生死存亡。The improvement of the work style of the party in power means its life and death.

我们的党是全国人民的领导核心,是执政党,是领导一切的。The ruling Party in China, the CPC is the leading core of all the Chinese people.

执政党篡改了选举结果,以确保他们继续掌权。The ruling party jiggered the election results to be sure they would stay in power.

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一些人说马利基先生的召唤党将一败涂地,不管作为现任执政党拥有怎样的优势。Some say that Mr Maliki’s Dawa will do badly, whatever the advantages of incumbency.

在议会选举中,他领导的争取民主变革运动获得了100个席位,而执政党非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线只获得了99个席位。In parliamentary elections, his party took 100 seats, and the ruling ZANU-PF 99 seats.

弗吉尼亚新的执政党在今年的演讲中说了民政党的责任。The new governor of Virginia gave the Democratic Party response to this year's speech.