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它是气态还是液态的呢?Was it a gas or a liquid?

固态钠和气态氯。Sodium solid plus chlorine gas.

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但这只是针对气态氢原子的情况。This is for atomic hydrogen gas.

这就是从固态到了气态。This is sodium going to sodium gas.

我们从纯气态开始,没有液体。We started with all gas, no liquid.

随着时间的推移,有毒物质的气态分子可能会渗透入塑料容器中。Vapors may penetrate the plastic over time.

这些都是单个原子,所以必须用气态形式的锂。These are single atoms. It has to be gas phase.

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或者像B那样的反应物它是气态的。Or reactants like B, which are in the gas phase.

这是锂,当然,我指的是气态锂。This is lithium, lithium. And this is all gas phase.

所以,形成这些气态离子的结果是什么呢?So, what's the consequence of forming these gas ions?

汽化器把液氧转化成气态。Vaporizers convert the liquid oxygen into a gaseous state.

汽化器把液氮转化成气态。Vaporizers convert the liquid nitrogen to its gaseous state.

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气态,固态,三相平衡,你可能会想。So the triple point is liquid solid, gas, all in equilibrium.

这颗命名为WASP-12b的系外行星是一颗类似于木星的巨大气态星球。The exoplanet, called WASP-12b, is a gas giant, like Jupiter.

我们一般说的是三种状态,即固态、液态及气态。We usually say is three state, that is, solid, liquid and gas.

彗星气态彗发里的分子被阳光激发而发光。The molecules of the comet's gaseous coma fluoresce in sunlight.

气态氧无色,无嗅,无味,不可燃。Gaseous oxygen is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and nonflammable.

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它仍然是气态但现在压强变小了,温度降低了。Stays a gas, but now the pressure is less, the temperature is less.

一切物质,不论是气态、液态,还是固态,都由原子组成。All substances, whether gaseous, liquid or solid ,are made of atoms.

之外是是四颗气态巨行星——木星、土星、天王星和海王星。After that are four gas giants — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.