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2006年6月初,达能起诉娃哈哈。In early June of 2006, Danone sued Wahaha.

利息从月初开始自然增殖。Interest accrue from the begin of the month.

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无论如何,他说下个月初,他会回来。Anyway he says he’ll be back early next month.

这次会议定于下个月初举行。The conference is slated for early next month.

月初摘完草莓,月底就是樱桃压枝的时节。At the end of June, it's time to pick up cherries.

但这个月月初,一个重大的协议发表了。But earlier this month there was a big announcement.

正月十五月初圆,神州大地人人欢。The ten day round in early may, throughout all huan.

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我希望我们能改到下个月初。Well, I was hoping we could reschedule for early next month.

S&P/TSX综合股价指数6月初曾触及15,154.77点的纪录高位.The benchmark index hit a record high of 15,154.77 in early June.

紧接着会在8月初发布CR2。This will be followed up by CR2 release in the beginning of August.

月初头场雨前,要把西红柿种子播下。Early in April, just before a rain begins, broadcast tomato seeds. 4

这个月初,Prototype团队发布了版本号为1.6.0的第一个的RC版。Earlier this month the Prototype team released the first RC of 1.6.0.

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2010年7月初,堰塞湖终于通过泄洪渠开始放水。In early July 2010, the lake finally began flowing over the spillway.

5月初,我去克利夫兰市主持民主党领袖委员会代表大会。In early May, I went to Cleveland to preside over the DLC convention.

每月初,鲁德尔会确保对他的博客帖子进行更新。In the months ahead, Rudder will make sure his blog posts stay fresh.

货物有否可能在12月初运至大连?Is it possible for the goods to be landed at Dalian in early December?

请在下个月初将货物装上第一艘可订到舱位的货船。Please ship the goods by the first available steamer early next month.

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之后,这就成为了每年9月中旬至10月初举行的庆典。It became an annual event that ran from mid-September to early October.

1月初的一天,施瓦茨来到凯恩的办公室。Shortly after the New Year, Mr. Schwartz stopped by Mr. Cayne's office.

该案件的审理在本月初结束,并于4月17日做出判决。The trial concluded earlier this month and the verdict is due April 17.