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结节性多动脉炎。Much arteritis of ⑩ nodal sex.

血从割破的动脉间歇地喷出。Blood pumped from a cut artery.

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肾动脉血管瘤怎么医治?Kidney artery hemangioma how cure?

最后,他因动脉破裂而去世。Finally, he dies when his vein bursted.

减少了你动脉中血小板的形成。Less buildup of plaques in your arteries.

动脉分枝成许多网状的静脉。The artery ramifies into a network of veins.

动脉中的堵塞会重新打开吗?Does the blockage in the artery ever re-open?

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这些炎症使我们脆弱的动脉内壁受损。These damage the thin lining of our arteries.

结扎住中脑动脉,而后再注入。The brain artery was ligated and then infused.

随机封堵左或右侧肾动脉。Left or right renal artery was excluded at random.

医生说没打中动脉和骨头。The doctor says it missed the artery and the bone.

脐静脉结构类似中等动脉。The structure of HUCV is like medium-sized artery.

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中脑动脉在表面形成的吻合,平均每例为3.6支。There are 3.6 anastomose branches in each midbrain.

问题反而是出在一段距离之外的微动脉。Instead the problem lies far away in the arterioles.

还发现不少波浪形扭曲的髓质动脉。Wavy, tortuous medullary arteries can be also found.

尾骨血液供应较差,营养动脉主要由腹侧面进入。It enters the coccyx mainly through the ventral surface.

肱动脉走行从肩部到肘部。The brachial artery runs from the shoulder to the elbow.

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动脉中的堵塞并不会自己重新打开。The blockages in the arteries never re-open spontaneously.

动脉导管未闭也可合并其他先天性心脏病。PDA can also occur in combination with other heart defects.

最可能的脂肪和松弛放在你动脉阻塞。The fats most likely to put on flab and clog your arteries.