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他酷爱生活,渴望融入所有人的生活,与他们息息相通。He enters eagerly into the life of man, all men. He becomes all men in himself.

他深感自己与大自然是息息相通的。He have a great feeling of the communion between himself and the hill and lake.

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人们可以通过共同爱好的作家沟通思想感情,彼此息息相通。Men can think , feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author.

⊙、最好的朋友是那种不喜欢多说,能与你默默相对而又息息相通的人。The best kind of friend is the kind don't like to say more, silently with you relative and straw.

就是要使他们融入到食物,大自然和我们文化所息息相通的整体中。It’s to bring them into a whole relationship with food that’s connected to nature and our culture.

长期互相依靠、息息相通地住在一起所养成的习惯,使他们有了共同语言。The long habit of living together in mutually dependent intimacy had given them the same vocabulary.

他笔下的自然与人的感情息息相通,仿佛具有人的品性。The nature in his novels was closely linked with the feeling of people, as if it had the quality of people.

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认为儒家和谐思想和人文奥运精神息息相通,完美切合。The authors think that Confucian harmonious thought and humanistic Olympic spirit is closely linked with perfect.

中国梦既是中国人民追求幸福的梦,也同世界人民的梦想息息相通。The Chinese Dream is the Chinese people's dream of happiness and is closely connected with the dreams of all peoples.

我们进食,成为食物链的一环,所以与地球上的万物生灵息息相通。We link ourselves to all living beings on the planet through theprocess of eating and being a participant in the food chain.

人们可以通过共同喜爱的作家沟通思想,交流感情,彼此息息相通,并与自己喜欢的作家思想相通,情感相融。Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in them.

遇上你后才知道什么是自己的另一半,总想感受那心灵息息相通的神奇。Just know what is own another half after running into you, always want to feel that mind interest interest mutually the magic of.

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中国的酒文化博大精深,具有深刻的精神内涵,且与陶瓷文化息息相通。China's liquor culture is broad and profound, has the profound energetic connotation, also closely linked with the ceramic culture.

记得有这么一句哲言“最好的朋友是那种不喜欢多说,能与你默默相对而又息息相通的人。”Remember this sentence words" the best friends are those who don't like to say, you can and the relative silence and close to people."

这个命题既与“从俗脱俗”思想息息相通,又符合艺术辩证法的原则。This definition accords with the thinking of "Exaltation of Elegance in Submission to Convention", as well as the principles of the artistic dialectics.

在这些浪漫而古老的传说之中,隐藏的是人与自然的息息相通、中国式的生活艺术、中国哲学的独特意蕴。In these romantic and ancient legend, there hides the communion between man and nature, the living art of Chinese, and the unique meaning of Chinese philosophy.

政治管理功能的社会性方面与“兼爱”的社会性内容和社会性基础息息相通。A conclusion is drawn that the sociality content and sociality base of Mozi′s Univeral Love is related firmly to the sociality of political mangement′s function.

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这个进程与世界课程改革大潮的趋势息息相通,对我国课程理论建设和课程实践是一个巨大的促进。This advancement and the world curriculum reform trend is closely linked, which is a huge promotion to our country's curriculum theory construction and curriculum practice.

两种非物质遗产能够经久不衰必然会有一定的联系,通过研究来证明奥林匹克精神与我国丰韵的儒家思想底蕴如何息息相通。Two kinds of intangible heritage can be bound to have some enduring ties, so there are some values to prove how the Olympic spirit and China's Confucian are correlated with each other.