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金钱和鄙薄,才是守财奴的养料。Misers thrive on money and contempt.

文人每好鄙薄富人,然于诗文之佳者,又往往以金玉珠玑锦绣誉之,则又何也?Scholars often jeer at the rich. Then when they praise a piece of composition, why do they.

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作为一个圈内人,她不宜再花过多时间评论同伴们的写作,鄙薄他们的市侩。As an insider, she couldn't spend so much time surveying the writing of her peers and caviling about their philistinism.

湖湘文化“重士农而轻工商”,热衷仕途,鄙薄科技工作。Huxiang Culture attached much attention to agriculture instead of to industry and business, and despised the technical work.

她坦然地站在我面前,眼神里有掩饰不住的温柔与怜悯,但绝对没有一丝嘲笑和鄙薄。She stood before me unperturbedly, there was the blandness and mercy in her expression of eyes, but absolutely no any sneer and despising.

在重农抑商的年代,商业和商业广告为传统观念所鄙薄。In the period of valuing agriculture and belittling commerce, the commerce and the commercial advertisements were despised in traditional sense.

笔者透过近期网络上曾出暴料出UCOOL问题,简要地谈谈对网络隐私权保护的鄙薄之见。By the author of the recent violence on the network have a material UCOOL a problem, a brief talk about the protection of privacy on the Internet scorn of view.

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商业广告是商品经济的产物,是商人经营艺术和智慧的结晶,是商家取得理想回报不可或缺的手段。在重农抑商的年代,商业和商业广告为传统观念所鄙薄。The commercial advertisement is the product of commodity economy and the fruit of the tradesman's business art and wisdom, as well as necessary means to gain the repay.

我无意鄙薄别人的人格和处事方式,但我知道人性的低下和高贵在这样的细节上是能看得出来的。I don’t mean to impair other people’s personality and manner of doing things, but I know it is possible to differentiate superior from inferior personality through such details.

尽管文人画鄙薄技艺,但文人画在山水领域所提出的依附于“笔墨”的审美准则,却不能脱离一定技术的规范。Although the skills paintings scorn, but the landscape paintings in the area of the proposed attached "pen", the aesthetic criteria, but not out of certain technical specifications.