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最关键的是那恶鬼的来历。The background of that devil is most decisive.

直到怪物骚动了,那恶鬼,那妖魔Till the monster stirred, that demon, that fiend

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巴克抵得上两个恶鬼哩。" Dat Buck two devils, " was Francois's rejoinder.

穿上万圣节的服装来伪装自己是恶鬼凶灵里的一员。Wear a costume to disguise yourself as one of them.

现在,因为恶鬼不会游泳,他们想出了一个拦住她的好办法。Now, because oni do not swim , they thought of a plan to stop her.

早期欧洲人相信恶鬼,巫婆,鬼,巨魔。Early Europeans believed in evil spirits, witches, ghosts and trolls.

留着活人的脑子,但还有恶鬼的道行!Stay to live the person's brain, but still have the way of devil the line!

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我的意思是,如果你的孩子遇到了恶意准备的恶鬼会发生什么?I mean, what happens if your kid encounters a malevolent ghost ill prepared?

玉帝怜其不幸,封他为捉恶鬼之神。Out of pity, the Jade Emperor made him the god in charge of catching evil spirits.

一路上,嫉妒,爱丢失和经验,谋杀和恶鬼可以预期!Along the way, jealousy, love lost and gained, murder and hauntings can be expected!

你算哪个恶鬼门子的骑士,用光腚都杀不死一只刺猬?What the devil kind of knight are you, that can't slay a hedgehog with his naked arse?

人民尖叫了并且出逃了,并且他的前兄弟在信念祷告不可能驱逐恶鬼。The people screamed and fled, and no prayer of his former brothers-in-faith could banish the goblin.

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这在各地都普遍实行,起源于在桃木上刻画趋邪神恶鬼的符咒之习俗。It is practiced in all parts of China. It originated from the custom of writing charms on peach wood.

你的话都是毫无依据的推测,西印度传说中的恶鬼都会为有你这样的美国人感到哀痛。Schweik, your comment is a total non-sequitur. Duppy is lamenting the stupidity of Americans like you.

听完这句话,我不知不觉也油然发生恶鬼环伺的诡异感。After hearing this sentence, I be imperceptible also produced the evil spirit loom over the queen the eerie feeling.

里面的鬼被描述为经常骚扰人类的恶鬼,结果被代表正义的桃太郎铲除。There's a ghost often described as harassment of human evil, was on behalf of justice for the Eradication of Momotaro.

还有被恶鬼所附,被疾病所累,已经治好的几个妇女,内中有称为抹大拉的马利亚,曾有七个鬼从他身上赶出来。And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils

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其实,他的能力收那恶鬼是很勉强的,所以一有机会,恶鬼反而吃了他的魂魄。In fact, his ability accepts that devil to force very much, so on having an opportunity, the devil on the contrary ate his psyche.

于是,每到岁末年首,人们就争着燃放鞭炮,用来驱赶“山臊”和恶鬼。People therefore played Fireworks in order to drive away Shan Sao and evil spirits at the end of one year and the beginning of a year.

天上地上都有许多恶鬼,他们看不得凡人有好日子过,尤其是穷人。The air and the earth were filled with malignant spirits who could not endure the happiness of mortals, especially of such as are poor.