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夜光云为什么越来越多?Why are they getting more numerous?

传说中的一种可发夜光的珠宝。A legend can be made luminous jewelry.

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幽幽夜光中,你是否瞥见了自己的梦境?。In the nightlight, do you see what you dream?

夜光洒满了屋子,你的影子清晰可见。Under the house, you e the shadow clearly visible.

支持阴影,恢复体力,夜光,3D斜面等效果。Supports shadow, Refection, Glow, 3D bevel etc. effects.

通常情况下所说的夜明珠是指荧光石、夜光石。Usually say pearl refers to fluorescent stone, luminous.

就如我在夜光中欣赏被飞泉映亮的花影,。Just as I appreciated luminous reflect of flowery picture.

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触摸你的音乐和手表上的夜光全屏幕视频。Touch your music wworriesching luminous full-screen video.

1885年,一位业余天文学爱好者最早观察到夜光云。Noctilucent clouds were first observed in 1885 by an amateur astronomer.

对准带夜光显示的寻北针,将指南针置于身前。Aligning north-seeking arrow with luminous line and follow front of compass.

以下可以对比自然形成的夜光云看起来来是怎样的Here's what a naturally-occuring noctilucent cloud looks like, for comparison

按F键,夜光会变得柔软并且闪烁,像星星和月亮在一起动。Push 'F' key , nightlight move soft and flashing , like stars move with moon.

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据称,这种全天候的夜光材料还能够促进诊断医学的革新。It says the all-weather material could also revolutionise diagnostic medicine.

你既可以打印黑白的也可打印彩色的,你甚至还可以去买夜光的摹写纸。You can print black or colours or even buy "glow-in- the-dark" Transfer Paper.

黑色与白色夜光计时缎坚持完成指标和标志拨号。计时机芯。Black chronograph satin finish dial with white luminous stick indices and logo.

分散了杨雄精力,侧应莲儿盗得紫金夜光壶。Dispersed Yang Xiong energy, side Ying Lian pilfer gets violet gold luminous crock.

其他的现象,比如火箭发射,也可以为夜光云创造条件。Other phenomena, such as rocket launches, can set the stage for night-shining clouds.

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至于自然界是否存在可发夜光的珍珠,则尚未得到证实。As for the nature, existence can be made luminous pearl, you have not yet been confirmed.

这种夜光云出现在夏季离地球表面80公里高的大气中。Noctilucent clouds appear about 80 kilometres above the Earth in each hemisphere's summer.

稀土夜光纤维是一种具有特殊功能的新型材料。Rare earth noctilucent fibers are a kind of new materials, provided with special function.