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一个家庭是怎样出乱子的?How can a family get disfunctional?

警察已在待命行动,以防出乱子。The police are standing by in case of trouble.

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以前我从严不相信会出乱子,现在我真担心哪里又会再出错。I don't believed it. I'm just afraid what else can go wrong.

这时话不对就会出乱子,所以话虽只是一股波动,可是其影响是蛮大的。Therefore words are not just waves as wind but have big influence.

基本上,如果价格不出乱子,我们会立即下订单。Basically, if the price don't go wrong, we will place orders immediately.

其实他只猎过一次虎,就是出乱子的那一回。He had never been but once at a tiger-hunt, when the accident in question occurred.

不要以为这样搞就不会出乱子,可以掉以轻心。One must not take such things lightly, thinking that they won't cause disturbances.

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在其他地方,医生可以买保险,以防自己出乱子。Elsewhere, doctors can buy insurance to protect themselves in case they make mistakes.

现在已经出现了一系列的新问题,需要我们进一步做工作,否则就要出乱子。A number of new problems have now cropped up, requiring us to do more work to avoid trouble.

这实在是一个令人伤痛的错误,而如果人们一直犯这种错误,难免会出乱子。This is a species of the grievous error in which mankind cannot too long persist without peril.

出乱子的地方都是党委没有好好去指导。Troubles occurred only in places where the Party committees had failed to give proper guidance.

如果史密森被任命为经理,职员中一定会出乱子。If they appoint Smithson manager there'll be trouble with the staff as sure as God made little apples.

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我早就警告过你把眯眼带出去办案子会出乱子,可你硬要为她担保,说她不会搞砸的。I warned you about taking squints out to the field but you vouched for her. Said she wouldn’t screw up.

中国希望半岛稳定,如果真出乱子了,也并非世界末日。"China hopes for a stable peninsula, but it's not the end of the world if there's trouble there, " it added.

罗斯福在白宫居住的十二年间,他的一家几乎没有不出乱子,或者不经受某种痛苦和悲伤的时候。Roosevelt lived in the White House when the family was not in turmoil or experiencing some kind of misery or sadness.

她刚才看见杜新箨好像是最镇静,最先料到不会出乱子的。She had noticed just now that he seemed perfectly calm as if he had known all along that everything would be all right.

脏乱的工作台拖慢你的速度,菜出不去,菜单堆起来,就会出乱子。保持干净的工作台,不然我宰了你!Messy stations slow things down. Food doesn't go, orders pile up. Disaster. Keep your station clear, or I will kill you!

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更令人不安的是批判性思维的缺失,而且迷信在这个国家势如破竹,这样不会出乱子。More disconcerting is the lack of critical thinking, and at times, blind faith that China is on a roll, so don't rock the boat.

出乱子了,彼得在树上掉下来,受到狼的攻击。最后,在与狼一阵凶猛的纠纷后,彼得把狼捉住了。Things go wrong, Peter falls from the tree and the Wolf attacks him. Eventually, after a fierce struggle, Peter catches the Wolf.

比方说,他们找到了一家人多久一起共进晚餐和青少年多大程度上努力不出乱子之间的相关性。Let's say they find a correlation between how often a family eats dinner together and how well their teenager manages to stay out of trouble.