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路上看热闹的人熙熙攘攘。The road is alive with lookers on.

街道上熙熙攘攘全是人。The streets were crowded with people.

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行人们在人行道上熙熙攘攘走去。Pedestrians press along the pavements.

我们在熙熙攘攘的街道上缓慢行走。The department store is in a noisy street.

我们得从街道上熙熙攘攘的人群中挤过去。We had to fight through the crowded streets.

在北京西站熙熙攘攘的人群之中In the Crowd at the Beijing West Railway Station

日落时分,你会看到街道熙熙攘攘,商店大放光明。At sundown you will find streets busy and shops aglow.

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那里总是熙熙攘攘,非常非常繁忙。And it's just bustling very, very busy, busy, busy, busy.

每个礼拜一的早上,我们的办公室堪称熙熙攘攘、繁忙异常。On Monday mornings, our office is a real hive of industry.

熙熙攘攘的城镇,悬吊着翠绿的园林。Towns in the populous trees, with hanging gardens of verdure.

我爱巴特里公园,喜欢看着熙熙攘攘的邮轮。I like to go to Battery Park and watch those liners booming in.

米苏拉塔的主干道曾是一条熙熙攘攘的大街。This artery of central Misurata was once a buzzing high street.

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教堂附近的西贡邮局里面总是熙熙攘攘。The Saigon Postoffice near the church is always full of tourists.

孩子们熙熙攘攘地冲下楼来,没有哪个表现得好。The children rushed noisily downstairs. None of them behaved nicely.

想象一个熙熙攘攘的图书馆。Imagine if you will, a library clean and crisp, bustling with activity.

袭击发生时,市场上早市购物者熙熙攘攘。The attack took place as the market was thronged with morning shoppers.

明天他要到熙熙攘攘的商业区去找事做。To-morrow he would go into the roaring down-town district and find work.

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周六的黎波里一派祥和,商店照常营业,街上熙熙攘攘。Tripoli was calm on Saturday, with shops open and people on the streets.

我环顾四周,想找个人借根烟,可是,尽管大街上的人熙熙攘攘,却没一个人吸烟。But, while there were plenty of people on the street, no one was smoking.

商场酒店的灯光中是那熙熙攘攘喧嚣的人们。Crowds and crowds of people bustle among brightly-lit shops and restaurants.