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我也觉得很失望。I was bummed too.

我很失望。I was disappointed.

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或者更糟——让他失望。Or worse–upset him.

他今后会失望的。He’ll be disappointed.

那会儿我挺失望的。I was disappointed then.

那是很令人失望的。It's very disappointing.

你可能会失望的。You may be disappointed.

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我很不愿让你失望。I hate to disappoint you.

但通常都是失望而归。Often he is disappointed.

自行车很少让他失望。Bikes rarely let him down.

桑德拉,不要就我失望!Sondra, don't let me down!

这部电影使我失望。The movie disappointed me.

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他们终将失望。They will be disappointed.

我相信您一定不会失望的。Linhai yourself for a look.

永远不要让祖国失望.Never let your cuntry down.

真让人失望。So it's very disappointing.

我们不能让他们失望。We could not let them down.

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这太令人失望了。Well this is disappointing.

你太让我失望了,废柴!You disappoint me students!

有些令人失望地“扑通”的掉下去了。Others plop disappointingly.