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对国家的慈心,就是忠。Third, the country's Metta is allegiance.

是什么使祂动了慈心?What caused Him to be moved with compassion?

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我非常尊敬她,因为她是一位品德高尚且慈心的人。I respect her very much because she is virtuous and kind hearted.

所以人成就是佛成是建立在慈心满怀之上。So who is a Buddhist into a success is built on with Metta above.

他更应当对一切众生,长养无量慈心。Even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings.

您用虔诚如海阔般的慈心熨平我烦燥的不安。You use religious like sea rich compassion pressed me fretful uneasiness.

在路加福音15章耶稣的比喻中,我们看到神满有怜爱的慈心。Jesus' parables in Luke 15 tell us about the deeply loving, caring heart of God.

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这眞是一幅惟妙惟肖的图画,描写雅各对群畜和孩子的慈心!What a beautiful picture of Jacob's thoughtfulness for the cattle and the children!

广化寺有十几亩菜地,我们称之为“慈心农场”,主要由常住班的同学负责。Guanghua Monastery has some ten acres of vegetable fields, "Mercy Farm" as we call it.

这就是为什么佛陀教导我们,要以修习慈心观来培养我们的善德。This is why the Buddha teaches us to develop inner goodness by meditating on good will.

对于比伯父更亲的人,马克思亦毫无慈心。He did not have any kinder feelings for those who were much nearer to him than his uncle.

如果更多的老中有慈心善意,那麽生活在中国会更好。If more Chinese people have their hearts in the right place, life in China would be better.

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这里我们看见人救主的慈心,显在祂对寡妇的说话与手按棺杠的行动上。Here we see the Man-Savior's compassion in speaking to the widow and in touching the coffin.

广化寺有十几亩菜地,我们称之为“慈心农场”,主要由常住班的同学负责。Guanghua Monastery has more than seventy acres of vegetable fields, "Mercy Farm" as we call it.

美华慈心关怀联盟主办的活动,多次作为世界日报和星岛日报的重点新闻报导。CACCC activities were highlighted in several news stories in the World Journal and Sing Tao Daily.

那仆人的主人,就动了慈心,把他释放了,并且免了他的债。Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt.

他们也有心系他人的慈心,为了更高的目标勇于献身。They also had a heart large enough to think about others, to dedicate themselves to a higher purpose.

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慈心善举、扶贫助困,是他一向对峙地准绳。With compassion benevolence, poverty alleviation multi-approached, he always sticks to the principle.

感谢所有来和我们一起聚餐的慈心家庭,受助家庭和志愿者们。Thank you to all of the donor families, recipient families, and volunteers who attended this gathering.

耶稣就动了慈心,把他们的眼睛一摸,他们立刻看见,就跟从了耶稣。Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.