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多年以后他才被擒获。It has been many long years until he was captured.

我们只须伸出手去,将其擒获。We had only to stretch out our hands and take them.

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徐伯轩擒获何翔飞,取得了戴司令的信任。Xu Boxuan takes any safer, wear a commanders trust.

绑匪已经被警察擒获,孩子们安全脱险了。The militant has been the policeman tackled, children safe from danger.

这几人急忙去追捕,一下子就把它擒获了。This a few people are chased hastily, capture it at a draught obtained.

绑匪已经被警察擒获,孩子们安全脱险了。Kidnappers have been captured by the police, the children a safe escape.

一个小偷在一家珠宝店希图偷走一只手表的时分被当场擒获。A shoplifter was caught red-handed trying to steal a watch from a jewelry store.

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他还没来及反应,警察已经冲入房里,将他擒获。He didn’t have any time to react before cops stormed in and placed him under arrest.

魔鬼正作势突袭,没有一件事比擒获打盹的人更令他高兴。The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping.

不料就在此时又发生意外,报仇心切的纳若莽撞行动,结果被小岛次郎擒获。But just then and accident, eager for revenge if rash action, kojiro was island captured.

共和国坚持不懈,最终获胜,克诺比擒获了星际银河业团体领导人,桑·希尔。The Republic persevered, and Kenobi was able to capture the Banking Clan leader, San Hill.

于是,拉丰只身擒获比利时抵抗运动的首领,将其酷刑伺候,向德国人证明了自己的价值。So Lafont proved his worth by personally hunting down and torturing the leader of the Belgian resistance.

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1718年,成为海盗仅仅一年多,博内就被擒获,并被处死。In 1718, a little more than one year after he decided to take up piracy, Bonnet was captured and executed.

尽管伤口血流如注,先知带着冠军骑士和擒获的第六位国王回到城里。With blood streaming from the wound, he carried the champion knight and the captured sixth king back to the city.

卫队长又擒获了大司祭色辣雅,副大司祭责法尼雅和三个门丁。And the general took Saraias the chief priest, and Sophonias the second priest, and the three keepers of the entry.

他说还有其他几名武装分子也被杀,还擒获几十辆汽车、武器和装备。He said several other fighters were killed in the attack while dozens of vehicles, weapons and equipments were seized.

第一位国王几乎还不知道发生了什么,就被轻易地擒获带回贝拿勒斯城。The first king hardly knew what had happened, before he was easily captured and brought back into the city of Benares.

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在云南省临沧市第12届教育科研成果评选中,擒获2等奖。Lincang City in Yunnan Province, China, the 12th selection in education in scientific research, such as captured Award 2.

行动迟缓的飞蛾飞得曲折、蜿蜒,是为了避免被鸟儿们擒获。What is the tortuous, zigzag course of those slow-flying moths for but to make it difficult for the birds to snap them up?

这些苏门答腊大象是在本月稍早侵扰农作物与一间村庄后,被廖内省当局擒获。The Sumatra elephants were caught by authorities in Riau province after they raided crops and a village earlier this month.