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常为害万寿菊和向日葵。Often affects marigolds and sunflowers.

梨瘿蚊是为害梨树芽、叶的重要害虫。Dasyneura pyri was an important pest of pear.

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幼虫耐水淹且有转株为害的习性。The larvae were water-tolerant and heteroicous.

小小的谎话,不足为害的谎话,那种事存在吗?Little lie, innocent lie--does such a thing exist?

为什么需要为害怕人人生判断天。Why the need for fear the human life judgment day.

各种自然灾害中,又以旱害对粮食生产为害尤烈。The drought has great influence on grain-production.

福寿螺对水稻的为害十分严重。Amazonian snail's endangerment on rice is very severe.

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幼虫为害麦、稻、玉米、高粱等种子。Harm the wheat, rice, larvae corn, sorghum seeds, etc.

一个敌人为害,胜过十个同学行好。One enemy can do lot hurt dawn ten friends can do bad.

一个敌人为害,胜过十个朋友行好。One enemy can do more hurt than ten friends can do good.

幼虫为害棉叶,影响棉花成熟吐絮。Larvae cotton leaf affected cotton harm, mature open bolls.

番茄叶霉病在山西省太谷县发生较为普遍,为害比较严重。Occurring and damage of tomato leaf mould were more serious here.

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厘金为害之烈成为近代最大的祸患之一。It had become one of the greatest disasters in modern Chinese history.

江苏省为害油菜的?菁花叶病毒有黄斑及枯斑两个。Two strains of turnip mosaic virus were identified on rape in Kiangsu.

无根藤给林木造成一定的为害,但是,过去对它的研究非常少。It caused some damage to the forest trees but was less studied formerly.

越冬成虫可以由根部直接钻出土表转移为害。Overwintering Imago directly came out of ground to harm trees next year.

棉花黄姜病是棉花生产为害最重的病害之一。Cotton wilt is one of the most harmful diseases in the cotton production.

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芍药红斑病主要为害叶片和绿色茎。The Cladosporium red spot of peony appears mainly on the leaves and stems.

分病害、虫害、病虫复合为害预测三类。The sort of forecast is disease, pest and the complex of disease and pest.

你是否曾因为害怕失败而畏缩不前?Have you ever held back on doing something because you were afraid of failure?