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完全纯纸浆原料制造,纸基白度高。Made of pure paper pulp with high whiteness.

是的,先生。我们击败了A族近一个纸浆。Yes, sir. We beat the Amarr nearly to a pulp.

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有些肉类变成了皮革,另一些则成了木纸浆。Some meats turn to leather. Others to wood pulp.

待到大部分的水都干掉之后,留下来的就叫纸浆。Then it is left until most of the water drys dries up.

当你准备好造纸时,将纸浆与水再次混合。When you are ready, the pulp is mixed with water again.

包装为环保纸浆精美礼盒加手提袋。Packing for environmental pulp exquisite gift box add handbag.

美国名词。用机械方法将木材纤维原料磨解成纸浆。Pulps obtained by grinding fibrous woods with mechanical means.

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他继续写作他的纸浆文学,但他的野心更大了。He continued writing for the pulps, but he had larger ambitions.

在某些情况下,可在配料中混合一些废纸纸浆。And, in some cases, wastepaper pulp may be blended in the furnish.

国际纸业公司是世界上最大的纸浆和纸张公司。International Paper is the world's largest pulp and paper company.

桉树已成为湖南湘南地区栽培的主要纸浆林树种。The Eucalyptus was the main pulp forest species in southern Hunan.

请寄可提供纸浆的详细信息以便以后合作。Also please send details of all available pulps for future marketing.

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看来,黑色金属、木材和纸浆是削减的重要对象。Ferr metals, timber , and pulp seem to offer the main field of reduction.

研制了一种新型高效的纸浆膨化剂,特别适用于生活用纸的抄造。A novel and efficient expanding agent for tissue paper has been developed.

测量纸浆、纸及纸板的白度方法有何不同?What are the different brightness methods for pulp, paper, and paperboard?

看来,黑色金属、木材和纸浆是削减的重要对象。Ferrous metals, timber, and pulp seem to offer the main field of reduction.

他曾派遣一支武装民兵接管了对手的纸浆公司。He once dispatched an armed militia to take over a rival paper pulp company.

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伏伊特、安德里茨纸浆车间也是基于最先进的技术。The Voith Andritz pulp plant is also based on the best available technology.

这种纸浆通常是用于生产新闻纸,纸板,纸张和卫生。This pulp is usually used to make newsprint, paperboard, and sanitary paper.

非综合性的造纸厂使用购买的纸浆进行纸张生产。Nonintegrated paper mills are using purchased pulp for their paper production.