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白玫,微笑,天方夜谭的没有颜色。Bai Mei, smile, no color of Scheherazade.

主权国拖欠债务也绝非天方夜谭。Sovereign default is far from inconceivable.

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此外,要杀死吸血鬼几乎是天方夜谭。Moreover, it’s almost impossible to kill a vampire.

这听起来像天方夜谭,但却实际存在。This sounds rather contrived, but it works in practice.

偷走你的想法和梦境并不完全是天方夜谭。Stealing your thoughts and dreams isn't completely farfetched.

所以,所谓中国盗窃美国的军事机密的问题,可以认为是一种天方夜谭。The alleged Chinese theft of US military technology is only a fictioh.

“天方夜谭!”男人给儿子的“谬论”下了定义。"Arabian Nights! "The man gives the elucidation in the son's"Miu theory".

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这对你来说可能是天方夜谭,但在很长一段时间里人们都相信这是真的。This might not blow your mind, but for a long, long time this was accepted to be true.

这听起来很像天方夜谭,但其实,这样的事情在今天仍会发生。That maybe sounds like a fantastic tale, but in fact we do see things like this happening today.

得不到村民的谅解,又要在仇人手下工作,以一个弱小的孩子要凑齐一亿贝里几乎是天方夜谭。The understanding of the villagers was unavailable, what was worse, she had to work for her enemies.

但是埃克森美孚是大型石油公司保守派的典型代表,拆分对于该公司来说无异于天方夜谭。But ExxonMobil is known as the most conservative member of Big Oil, making any split hard to imagine.

但是,他说,“这些情形如今听起来都像是天方夜谭,实际上一个都不会发生!因为性的价格太低了!”However, he said, “none of these things are occurring today. Not one. The price of sex is pretty low.”

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传统的花园需要富含营养物质的土壤和充足的水分,这对于荒漠气候来言简直是天方夜谭。Traditional gardens require nutrient rich soil and lots of water, which is not found in desert climates.

由政府担保的住房抵押贷款这种东西在亚洲和欧洲简直就是天方夜谭。For home mortgages to be backed by government guarantees would be unthinkable anywhere in Asia or Europe.

像馆教授这样的发明家首开先河地将以往被视为天方夜谭的东西化为可能。Inventors like Professor Tachi are blazing a trail into possibilities previously considered science fiction.

就像庞茨一样,麦道夫在小投资者面前摆出一副天方夜谭中阿拉丁的姿态,他还以政府监督者自居,并对此沾沾自喜。Like Ponzi, he posed as a paladin of small investors, and he ingratiated himself with government regulators.

哈丽达尔,好像是从天方夜谭里飞出的神物,时不时抬起两条前腿,缓缓地拍打双翼。Halidarre, like something from the Arabian Nights, reared a bit every now and then, beating her wings slowly.

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但这一消息对于浦娜来说却是天方夜谭——她的女儿因营养不良正在死亡线上徘徊。But that is news to Poona, whose daughter may soon die from that stain on India's growth story -- malnutrition.

美国鹰派反驳这种观点,他们认为除非让美国大兵保护,不然在阿富汗建学校简直是天方夜谭。Hawks retort that it’s impossible to run schools in Afghanistan unless there are American troops to protect them.

甚至还有几个小组被派往好莱坞,去窃取虚构天方夜谭似的惊人恐怖举动的编剧们的脑力劳动成果。Teams have even been sent to pick the brains of Hollywood scriptwriters who dream up farfetched terror spectaculars.