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我辗转漂到了省城。I turn to the provincial capital.

那年他被省城一所大学录取了。He was admitted to the university of provincial capital.

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隆波田一直继续不断地在一些省城教学。All the while, Luangpor Teean continued his teaching in the provinces.

迎泽区是省城太原的商贸中心。Yingze District is a business center in the provincial capital Taiyuan.

该俱乐部在省城多个地方用广告牌进行宣传。Many places in the provincial capital of the club with the billboard publicity.

贝尔与我从孟买东方的省城奥蓝加巴德开车前来观赏。To see it, Behl and I drove out of Aurangabad, a provincial city east of Mumbai.

其中金象山滑雪场一直引领省城冬季时尚运动。The elephant mountain skiing has been leading the provincial winter fashion movement.

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三月八日,蒋军开抵基隆,当晚进入省城台北。On March 8, Chiang's troops arrived in Keelung and that night entered the capital of Taipeh.

我在省城结了婚,只给家里草草写了一封信,母亲接信后,给我们汇来一千元,汇款单的留言栏上留了几个黑点。After I had been married in the provincial capital, I wrote a letter to my family in words of one syllable.

第二天,她拿了很多钱,带我坐长途车,到了省城的一家西餐厅。The very next day, she took a lot of money, take me long car ride, to the provincial capital of a restaurant.

有次乘公交车去省城,卖票的是一位瘦瘦的女孩,她的脸色显得十分疲惫。There are sub-bus to the provincial capital, such as selling a ticket was a slim girl, her face looked very tired.

池田遭到雷子枫一伙人的袭击之后,出于安全考虑,打算把黑盒子运回省城。ChiTian were LeiZiFeng group after the attack, for security reasons, going to the black box back to provincial capital.

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原本在日寇严密掌控下的省城,则交给下面的伪军指挥。Control the provincial capital below in palm of day bandit rigor originally, give the direct of puppet army or soldier below.

阿富汗努里斯坦省警方表示,被劫者正在前往省城,准备加入警察部队。Nuristan province of Afghanistan, police said, were being hijacked to the provincial capital, ready to join the police force.

迎泽区地理位置得天独厚,是省城的政治中心、交通枢纽和对外交往的“窗口”。Yingze unique geographical area, is the provincial capital of the political center, transportation hub and foreign relations "window."

俩人说话显然有些顾忌,声音压得低低的,快到省城时,我听到女孩“咯咯”地笑了。Clear that there is some fear of the two words, sound down low, approaching the provincial capital, I heard the girls "giggle" and smiled.

从开始说话的时候起,我就被周围的每个人告知,我的爸爸是从省城的郑州大学毕业的。From the time I started to speak, I was told by everyone around me that my dad graduated from Zhengzhou University in the provincial capital.

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我记不的那次是去哪个地方参加培训,但我确实记得自己先坐车到省城。I really did not remember where to go for training at that time, but I did remember that I had to take the night bus to provincial capital first.

但是,农村病人可节约每周两次前往省城血液透析中心的路费,而这是贫穷病人所承担不起的。However, it would save rural patients the twice-weekly fares to visit a haemodialysis centre in a provincial city, which poor patients cannot afford.

在目前贵州城市化及社会经济推进的过程中,应构建以省城贵阳市为中心的黔中城市圈。In the current urbanization process and social and economic progress in Guizhou, a central Guizhou megalopolis should be set up centering on Guiyang.