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高山、大海和平川。In thy light, plains, mountains and seas.

我们深知,没有你们,就没有安海平川。We know without you there would be no our IDYLL.

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青藏高原世屋脊,东北平原马平川。World roof Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Northeast Plain, MA Hirakawa.

许多犹太人在以色列创造了一个国家,想在那里和平川生活。And many Jews created a country in Israel and wanted to live in peace.

平川的摄影被描述为有着“强烈的性暗示”。Hirakawa's photographs are described as having "a heavy sexual connotation".

有个姑娘找了个平川对象,结婚这天,婆家抬来一顶花轿。A girl sought a level land target, marry this day, husband's family carries come one poppyhead litter.

窗外,月亮高悬在深蓝的天幕上,而天幕下是银色的山峦、森林和平川。Outside the moon is high with a dark-blue sky behind it and with mountains, plains and forests of silver lying below.

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窗外,月亮挂在深蓝色的天幕上,天幕下是银色的山峦、平川和森林。Outside the moon is high with a dark-blue sky behind it and with mountains, plains, and forests of silver lying below.

窗外,月亮挂在深蓝色的天幕上,天幕下是银色的山峦、平川和深林。Outside the moon is high with a dark -blue sky behind it and with mountains, plains, and forests of silver lying below.

我看到了,看到了同样的天使访问过我,在窑洞的平川'坐在一张椅子之间的天空和大地。I looked up and saw the same angel who had visited me at the cave of Hira' sitting on a chair between the sky and the earth.

矿物组成及地球化学特征显示石平川岩体为高演化I型花岗岩。Mineralogy and geochemistry suggest that the Shipingchuan K-feldspar granite intrusion is a highly fractionated I-type granite.

作品描绘了萧索的秋林里,一只从深山逃到平川的白虎踞坐在地上回头悲哀地张望。Among the ancient art works, a painting The White Tiger in Frosted Forest by the artist Tang Yin drew the specialists' attention.

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平川典俊是一位日本的摄影师及行为艺术家,他于1960年生于福冈,现居纽约。Noritoshi Hirakawa is a Japanese photographer and performance artist, who was born in 1960 in Fukuoka, Japan. He now lives and works in New York.

晋商文化旅游区的6县、市、区正好位于晋中西部平川、汾河谷地。Shanxi Merchants of Culture and Tourism District 6 county, city and district is located in the central and western Shinzo Hirakawa, Fenhe Valley.

经在松辽盆地北部肇东-太平川、金腾两个地区的应用,取得了令人满意的效果。Satisfactoryresults have been obtained through the application of this method in Zhaodong-Taiping-chuan. Jinteng areas of northern Songliao basin.

近45年来太原气候经历了由异常到平稳再到异常的变化,而且平川尤为显著。In recent 45 years, climate in Taiyuan has experienced the changes of abnormality to stationary and to abnormality, which is more significant in plain area.

旱平川断陷盆地受南北两区域大断裂控制,形成走向南东—北西向、倾向东北的条带状水文地质单元。The Hanpingchuan fault basin is controlled by two regional major faults on both north and south, and formed a SE-NW strike, dip NE striped hydrogeological unit.

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5月16日中午,新加坡一家面包店,一种形如熊猫的“平川熊”面包正在热卖,面包义卖所得将全部捐给中国赈灾。May 16 at noon, Singapore, a bakery, a panda-shaped like the "Ping-chuan Bear" is Hot bread, bread sale proceeds will be donated to all of China's Disaster Relief.

研究区庆阳既有典型的黄土丘壑地形,又有十多个面积相对较大的塬面,高原、沟壑、梁峁、河谷、平川、山峦、斜坡兼有。There is typical loess ravine terrain, more than ten large areas of the plateau, and is mixed plateau, ravines, girder, valley, flat plain, chain of mountains, slope in Qingyang research region.