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“群体免疫性”低。Low 'herd immunity'.

谁是你的同龄群体?Who is your peer group?

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目标群体是哪些?What's the target group?

形成一个“群体概念最为淡薄的群体”Forming a 'minimal group'

这必须得到群体的默认。It had to be acquiesced in.

作为一个群体,他们是分散的。As a group, they are atomized.

所有这一切都跟有群体智慧有关。All that has to do with swarms.

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我想做一次群体冥想。I want to do a group meditation.

莱恩,那是群体智慧吗?Len, is that swarm intelligence?

也就是“酷儿群体“I think it's the queer community.

也就是我们所知道的内群体。These are known as our in-groups.

什么是关键群体协议?What is a critical-mass agreement?

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另一个高危群体是儿童。Another high risk group is children.

亲家是一种复杂的群体。In-laws are complicated individuals.

一个群体或国家表现的思想倾向。A government that leans toward fascism.

毫无疑问的是她并不属于这个群体。She was decidedly not part of the group.

抛到头像的是一个群体。Everyone who has heads, you're one group.

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尚存论说的群体即是市场。The community of discourse is the market.

所以这些群体被称为”最简群体“This is why it's called "minimal groups."

群体的洞察因此走偏了。As a result, their group insight went awry.