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金丝猴生活在中国。Golden monkeys live in China.

金丝猴只生活在中国。Golden monkeys live only in China.

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我们一共捉到十只金丝猴。Altogether we caught ten golden monkeys.

我们刚刚拍了一些金丝猴的照片。We've just taken some photos of those golden monkeys.

因为我有一身美丽的金色的毛,所以我的名字叫金丝猴。I have a beautiful golden fur so I am named golden monkey.

其中珍稀动物有滇金丝猴、小熊猫。There is one of rare animals Yunnan snub-nose monkey, lesser panda.

据饲养员介绍,这只金丝猴是个标准的“痴情男”。This golden monkey is a normal "spoony male", introduced the feeder.

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对3例川金丝猴的内分泌腺作了观察。The endocrine glands of 3 specimen in Rhinopithecus roxellanae were observed.

你可以看到来自于中国的许多动物,诸如大熊猫和金丝猴。You can see many animals from China, such as the panda and the golden monkey.

你好,这些是我收集到的,有的在网上,这些滇金丝猴有一部分是我现在所在的老君山中的。Dear Karen, it is amazing you have these kind of monkeys in your living place.

黔金丝猴为本地特产,为重点保护对象。Guizhou golden monkey , a local specialty, in order to focus on protected objects.

本文是金丝猴面肌的首次记述。This paper is the first information on the facial musculature of Snub-nosed monkey.

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九寨沟还是许多珍惜动物和植物的家园,例如熊猫、金丝猴。Jiuzhaigou is a home to many rare animals and plants, such as the panda, golden monkey.

里面有十种一级保护动物,包括大熊猫和金丝猴。It has 10 species under first-class protection including giant pandas and golden monkeys.

然后我们还看了长颈鹿、金丝猴、大象、骆驼、孔雀、鸵鸟等稀有动物。Then we saw a giraffe, golden monkeys, elephant, camels, peacock, ostrich such rare animals.

中国濒临灭种的种类,金丝猴族群有了惊人的增长。China's golden monkeys, one endangered species, have made a surprising comeback with populations.

川金丝猴和猕猴用于理毛的时间多于熊猴。Compared to Assamese macaques, the golden monkey and rhesus macaques devoted more time to grooming.

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同属中国国宝的熊猫与金丝猴,在这个童话里,写着属于自己的故事。The golden monkeys and giant pandas which are the national treasures describe their own tales here.

最珍贵的动物要数国家一级保护动物金丝猴了。The most valuable animals to the number of animals at the national level to protect the golden monkey.

有专家分析,目前对滇金丝猴的抢救性保护已取得实质性成效。Experts theorize that the rescue and protection efforts relating to the monkey have achieved material results.