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出市,同市之人就是同乡。The City, who is a fellow with the City.

出国,同国之人就是同乡。Abroad, who is a fellow with the country.

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归乡的路上你深思不语,同乡说你一定是想起童年了。You must be thinking about your childhood.

以此文纪念在这里的第一次同乡聚会。For memory of 1st party of hometown people.

你的同乡波拿巴还做了皇帝呢。Your fellow-countryman, Bonaparte, became emperor.

不久,孙山先回到家里,同乡便来问他儿子有没有考取。It was not long before Sun Shan went back to his home.

这名年轻的尼泊尔人与九名同乡分享一个房间。The young Nepali shares a room with nine of his countrymen.

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同乡是变化的一种概念,而且是骗人的一种关系。Association is a concept change, and a relationship is a lie.

另一位同乡修•夏洛克则写了牙买加的国歌。Another local, Hugh Sherlock, wrote Jamaica's national anthem.

谨此证明上述申请人为潮籍同乡之妻子。I hereby to certify that the above applicant is Teochew's Wife.

当我的同乡杜普利为我播放完这首曲子的时候,我就立刻爱上了它。When homeboy first played the song for me, I liked it right away.

想跟你交朋友的原因是你是我的同乡。The reason why I make friend with you is you are my hometown girl.

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比起同乡的年轻人,峰更少关心他自己。Feng cares less about himself than the young people of his hometown.

艾尔有他自己的办公人员,他的办公室主任是田纳西州同乡罗伊。Al had his own staff, with fellow Tennessean Roy Neel as chief of staff.

后来,那个同乡逐步撤出,吴金荣便独自包下了整层皮草城。Wu began to run the market on his own after his fellow villager withdrew.

此时我的同乡们开始把这些新来的爱迪生市民叫“点脑壳”。At which point my townsfolk started calling the new Edisonians "dot heads.

又说,钟馗死后,他的同乡好友杜平为他安葬。Another saying is that his town fellow, Du Ping buried him after his death.

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此时我的同乡们开始把这些新来的爱迪生市民叫“点脑壳”。At which point my townsfolk started calling the new Edisonians "dot heads."

可以与同学和战友相提并论的是同乡。It can be compared with classmates and comrades-in-arms is the fellow townsman.

真是太巧了,我在这里的第一个舞伴居然是我的同乡。What a coincidence that the first person I dance with in this school is my town fellow.