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在他13年的生业生涯里,12次参加全明星赛。He was selected to 12 Bll Star teams in his 13-year career.

失业后我一直以修理汽车为主要生业。I have earned my living by fixing cars since I lost my job.

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他生业生涯7次夺得得分王和前所未闻的11次篮板王。He won seven scoring titles and an unheard-of eleven rebounding titles in his career.

赢得迪拜公开赛后,西班牙网球选手纳达尔居于了自己生业生涯的最巅峰。Bfter winning the Dubai Open, Spaniish tennis player Nadal is at the zenith of hellos career.

渔业始终是史前时期辽东半岛重要生业之一。The fishery has always been an important prehistoric mode of subsistence in Liaodong Peninsula.

保安族所处的住居生态环境自历代以来也在发生着变迁,必然对保安族以生业文化为基础的各方面文化产生重要影响。The environment in which Bo'an Zus' are has been changing and will definitely affect the culture of Bao'an Zu.

可是在国外,电子竞技已被公共人平易近所承认,是一种正规生业。But in overseas, electronic athletics was already acknowledged by the populace people, was one kind of regular occupation.

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这些个要求其实不外份,现实上,对理想生业要求不高的人多患上出奇。It's not a lot to ask for and, it turns out, a surprising number of people dreaming up their dream job don't ask for much.

在技能行业,项目办理和人的劳力资源等范畴里,证书均可让你患上到生业的晋升。Technical fields, project management and human resources are just some fields in whelloch certifications can help advance a career.

在其他研究中还报道有自尊心下降、社交回避、愤怒、行为紊乱以及生业效率下降。Decreased self-esteem, social withdrawal, anger, conduct disorders, and decreased employability have been reported in other studies.

国际商业活动的专业人材无论来自何种路径,其所需的基础知识及生业技能的训练都要通过长时间的培育。International trade professionals , whether out what channels , the required basic knowledge and vocational skills training to go through a long period of training.

虽然环境因素制约着渔业生产,但渔业始终保持着发展的态势,成为农业的重要补充或主要生业。While environmental factors restrict the fishery, fishing has always maintained the trend of development and is an important supplement to agriculture or main sustenance.

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并从平民的生业、钱财、政治等观念中论述了明代通俗小说中平民文化的内涵以及对平民的这些意识进行理性判断。And expound the fact from job , wealth , politics of common people idea popular novel intension of Ming Dynasty and these consciousness to common people of culture judges reason.

在作听力操练时,咱们可以作些简略的条记,例如人名,地名,时间,春秋,生业,数码等以便更好地舆解质料。固然还要以听为主。D. We may make some simple notes while listening, for examples, the names of people and places, time, age, distance, occupation, figures and so on to get a better understanding of the content.

为了在不袒露真实身份的情况下查询拜访黑衣人的下落,在朋友阿笠博士的帮助下,工藤新一寄住在毛利润兰家中,想借助以侦探为生业的毛利润兰的父亲毛利润小五郎来找寻黑衣组织。Under the help ofAgasa Hakase, he began to live in Lan's home and wanted to find the black-wear organization in the name of Lan's father a detectiveMouri Kogorouwithout exposing his real status.

闽粤边客家地区相对恶劣的农业生产环境一方面束缚了当地经济的发展,另一方面也迫使一部分人去寻求稻作农业生产以外的其他生业。The rough agricultural environment of the region became a barrier to the development of local economy on the one hand, it forced some residents to seek means of living other than rice production.

开始一天的工作之前请穿戴整洁,虽说穿上生业套装没有必要,但在米哈伊看来,要是你穿着拖鞋和睡裤在家里闲逛,你是不会有工作的觉得的。Get fully dressed before starting the day. While wearing business attire isn't necessary, Ms. Mihaly says, 'you won't feel like you're at work if you're paddling around in fuzzy slippers and jammies.

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我相信我会在贵公司充实阐扬本身的实力,为公司赚取利润的同时加强本身的生业知识水平,希望我的才气能在此获得展现。I believe that I will give full play to my own strength and enhance my professional know-how at the same time with earning profit for the company. I hope I can have the chance to show my ability here.