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电容的丈量单元是法拉。It is measured in farads.

我要丈量这间房子。I have to measure the room.

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要仔细地清洗和丈量套管。Clean and measure the casing carefully.

你喜欢什么样的绩效丈量步伐?How do you prefer to measure performance?

责任是标尺,丈量可否行。Responsibility is the ruler, can measure.

因为我知道我对你的爱又怎能丈量?Because I know my love for you can not be measured.

因为这里没人在门口丈量自己的屁股。Because NO ONE is dimension dooring their ass here.

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气压计是丈量气压的好仪器。The barometer is a good instrument for measuring air pressure.

让幸福做一个载体去丈量人生是否饱满丰盈。Let happiness as a carrier to measure whether life full of abundance.

K是以土地测量员的名义来到了村庄,准备丈量那个不知名的城堡。K. is named Land Surveyor to the Castle and he arrives in the village.

对别人的怜悯能精确地丈量出我们能在多大程度上奉献给神。Our compassion for others is an accurate gauge of our devotion to God.

丈量房间的结果是我的房间是奇怪的五边形。Measuring the room yields the result that my room is a strange pentagon.

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不像现在,他和家人关在一起,拿脚步丈量有四个房间的公寓。Not like this, closed up with his family, pacing the four-room apartment.

我的房间在顶层,于是我只好拖着行李箱步行丈量了楼高。My room was on the top floor, so I scaled the heights carrying my suitcase.

生命不用时间丈量,重要的是质量,而非时间短长。A life isn't measured in hours or minutes. It's the quality, not the length.

米、厘米、毫米是用来丈量长度的单位。大型。Meter. centimeter a new goodd millimeter units used to meas beingure length.

多少次的擦肩而过才能教会我们丈量人心的距离!How many times of passing-by could explicat the real distance between people!

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本文阐述了对高压开关通断时间停止丈量地过程。In this paper, pairs of high-voltage switch-off time for the surveying process.

它们的枝丫纵横交错,仿佛是些用来丈量这旷野的奇怪的标尺。Their branches intertwine and seem to be a strange ruler of measuring the field.

在切割之前,他用四个手指来丈量宽度。Iida-san uses the breadth of four fingers to measure these sections before cutting.