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至今杭州、宁波、温州巡回医疗和送医下乡已有多次,需募捐50万元。There have been several medical circuits in Hangzhou, Ningbo, and Wenzhou.

他努力想象搬下乡去以后生活将是个什么样子。He was trying to picture what it would be like if they did move to the country.

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家电下乡,对于拉动农村市场需求具有重要的意义。Appliances to the countryside, the rural market demand for driving is significant.

我们走了很长一段路去看他,没想到他刚好下乡了。We walked a long way to see him, only to find that he had just left for the countryside.

不久,未满十岁的他便和父亲诗人顾工一起下乡劳作。Soon, under the age of ten, he will work together with his father poet Gu countryside labor.

那天,我和几位同事下乡慰问一位贫困学生。Some colleagues of mine and I went to countryside for visiting an impoverished student on that day.

这是一位农家小伙子走出农家又回下乡、回报农家的传奇故事。This is a peasant boy out of the peasant and back to the countryside, return to the legend of peasant.

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曾下乡两年,参加工作后一直在电力系统工作,现供职于中国南方电网广东电网公司韶关供电局。She worked in the rural area for two years and has been working at the department of the Electric Power System.

媒体评论说,通过“下乡”,城市中家养牧羊犬重新寻回了似乎早已遗失的本能。Media say the domestic shepherd dogs have regained their seemingly lost instincts after trips to the countryside.

他下乡去视察了一回,在他下乡期间公文积压了一大堆,昨天傍晚他刚回来,现在他要在会客时间开始之前,把这些公文翻阅一下。He just came back in yesterday evening. He now has to browse the official documents before the meeting with guests.

离知青下乡已经过去30多年了,每个知青心中,苦衷比温暖深刻得多。From the educated youth to the countryside for the past 30 years, every educated youth heart, difficulties than warm.

我一乘车下乡或者穿过一片长满野草野花的田野时,我鼻子就坏了。My nose becomes worse whenever I drive to the countryside or go across a field grown with an abundance of wild plants.

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他下乡去视察了一回,在他下乡期间公文积压了一大堆,昨天傍晚他刚回来,现在他要在会客时间开始之前,把这些公文翻阅一下。During this time, a large amount of offical documents accumulated. Now he has to glance over them before the visiting hours.

本片是赵晔在大学时下乡写生时期的地点所拍摄,山西的庞泉沟一带。While in college, Zhao Ye spent some time sketching in the countryside of Pang Quan Gou in Shanxi, where he produced this film.

有位新上任的县官为了体现自己关心民情,就带着马屁鬼一起下乡。One newly appointed magistrate in order to realize they are concerned with the people, the countryside, together with Mapi ghost.

宫湘楠说老家许多人都从家电下乡的补贴政策中得到了好处,买了摩托车、电视等家用电器。Ms. Gong says many residents in her town took advantage of the subsidy, buying motorcycles, televisions, and other home appliances.

记得她姓陈,有一次她带我们下乡劳动,我不幸被一个县里来参加劳动的干部不小心碰伤了左眼眶。She taught mathematics, and her name was Chen as I remember. One time she led us to the countryside to take part in labor training.

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他下乡到她娘家把她接了出来,也搬进湖边那盖满了蔷薇花的小白房子里。He went down to the country where she was living with her family, and brought her back to the rose-covered little house by the lake.

湖南华联家电有限责任公司在宁乡举办了家电下乡促销活动。The activity of promoting household appliance in countryside was launched by Hunan Hualiang Electric Appliance Co. , Ltd in Ningxiang.

那一年我刚满16岁,那一年是我下乡到长白山区敦化县官地公社南天门大队柳蒿屯的第一年。In that time, I was just in my 16 years old, and as a educated youth, send to a small village in Changbai Mountains for hard farm work.