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房舱凝水、落水管系畅通试验。Cabin condensation piping to be done free-flowing test.

这个楼的落水管随时都有脱落的危险。The downpipe of this building could fall off at any time.

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屋顶,水槽和落水管能够捕获和直接降雨量和维护水损坏地建筑物。Rooftops, gutters, and downspouts can capture and direct rainfall and protect buildings from water damage.

从檐沟安装落水管,把雨水接到花坛,这样就可以节水了。Reduce water usage by installing downspout extensions from your eavestroughs to direct rain to your flower beds.

令人吃惊的是很多园丁都没有积水桶,积水桶就是将一个桶放在落水管下面。It is amazing how many gardeners don't have a water butt, which just involves putting a barrel under a downspout.

一切水沟局部应附落水管送达体例出售,并应具备端盖和角件。All gutter sections should be attached to downspouts via drop outlets, and should have end caps and corner pieces.

清除水槽和落水管里所有的叶子和其他碎片,它们保留水分吸引蚂蚁和其他害虫。Keep gutters and all downspouts clear of leaves and other debris that will retain moisture and attract ants and other pests.

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这笔维修资金的使用,也让困扰居民近两年的落水管渗漏问题得到解决。The downspout leakage has frustrated the owners for about 2 years. Benefiting from the Fund, now this problem will be solved.

水槽凡是只对室第楼宇地运用,但落水管是对室第和贸易楼宇。Gutters are typically only used on residential buildings, but downspouts are used on both residential and commercial buildings.

屋顶水暖工安装,维护和修理防水板、金属屋顶、墙面表层和防水产品,如水槽和落水管。Installs, maintains and repairs flashings, metallic roof and wall claddings and rainwater products such as gutters and downpipes.

一些屋顶排水沟的挡板式设计打破了排水水流交换落水管,所以它不会削弱地下。Some roof gutter exchange downspouts for baffle type designs break up the stream of drained water, so that it does not erode the ground below.

本实用新型公开了一种水斗防溢装置,它包含有落水头、落水接头、落水管、闷头。The utility model discloses an anti-overflow device for a water bucket, which comprises a drain head, a drain joint, a drain pipe, and a baffle.

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经查,这果然是个以落水管和空调外机为路径,撬窗入室的盗窃团伙。After looking up, this is really take outside the downcomer and the air conditioning machine as a way, skids burglary gang which the window enters the inner rooms.

补救潮湿或返潮的地下室可以像重新排布落水管一样简单,重整斜坡让它远离基墙,或者在内墙刷防水涂料。Remedies for damp or wet basements can be as simple as rerouting downspouts, regrading slopes away from foundation walls, or applying water-resistant paints to interior surfaces.

邹先生还将记者带到阳台,记者看到落水管的螺丝几乎是全部生锈了,这些生锈的螺丝不但破坏了阳台的美观,而且让人有点怀疑其质量是否可靠。Chow will be taken to the balcony reporters, the reporters saw gutters screw almost all the rust, rusting screw not only undermines balcony appearance, but people doubt their quality reliability.