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英国队得了亚军。The British team came in second.

2003年获得荷兰足协杯亚军。Runner-up of Dutch National Cup in 2003.

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世乒赛团体赛女团亚军。World Table Tennis Team F runner-up group.

当英国统治下的香港是亚军。British-ruled Hong Kong would be a runner-up.

辩论队队员一同接受亚军殊荣。Team members receive the 1st Runner-up trophy.

马塞尔·塞拉亚获得今年数学竞赛的亚军。Marcel Celaya takes the runner-up prize this year.

足球和冰上曲棍球是亚军的三巨头。Soccer and ice hockey are runners-up to the Big Three.

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在地区阳光小美女比赛中获得亚军?。She was runner-up in the regional Little Miss Sunshine?

但是没有人会记得半决赛队伍甚至亚军。But no one remembers semi-finalists or losing finalists.

中国农民工位居亚军,是唯一上榜的群体。The Chinese workers ranked second were the only group named.

我队以四胜两负一平的成绩获得亚军。Our team finished second with four wins, two defeats and one tie.

他们只是游戏秀“从此幸福”里面的亚军吗?Were they just a runner-up in the game show "Happily Ever After"?

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抱走冠军及亚军的玩具鸭主人可以获得全新的汽车!The owners of the first-place and second-place ducks get new cars!

获得一份巨额的亚军支票,你会去购物吗?你想买什么?Q. A reasonable runner up check. Going shopping? What are you buying?

每组设冠军、亚军及季军。胜出队伍将获颁发奖牌。Medals will be awarded to the champion, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up.

四年之后,她们在1999美国FIFA女足世界杯上获得亚军。Four years later, they finished runners-up at the FIFA World Cup USA 1999.

杰夫教练培养的“明日之星”女子组的王军取得过世界第12名和2008年的亚军。He also coached "SFS" girl Wang Jun to the world 12 & under title in 2008.

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上个月,丹佛的肯扬•马丁加入了CBA亚军新疆广汇。Last month, Denver's Kenyon Martin joined CBA runner-up Xinjiang Guanghui.

他参加童子军,在五年级的时候获得拼字比赛亚军。He joined the Cub Scouts and placed second in the fifth grade spelling bee.

她赢得了亚军,可就在她到达终点时,她的两条前腿踝关节不幸骨折。She came in second, but just after finishing both her front ankles snapped.