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传票被撤回。The summons was withdrawn.

我只是一个传票投递员。He's just a process server.

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就是传票。It is known as the subpoena.

发传票,传…出庭向…发出传票或令状。To serve with a summons or writ.

法院向他送达了传票。The court served a summons on him.

新的5D是否将支持传票卡片?Will the new 5D support dual cards?

传票已由法警送达。The summons was served by a bailiff.

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警察给停放的车辆贴上了违章传票。The policeman ticketed the parked car.

他被警告说,他们将向他发出传票。He was warned that they would process him.

传票已送交给被告。The summons was served upon the defendant.

用传票传唤证人参加审判。The witnesses were subpoenaed to attend the trial.

他的车因阻塞交通而被警察贴上了违章传票。His car was tagged by cops for obstructing traffic.

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纳姆索夫今天表示,法庭传票并未困扰他。Nemtsov said today that he was not bothered by the writ.

先生,以秘密发送传票的形式祝你生日快乐!Man, talk about an underhanded way to deliver a subpoena!

传票上详细批注了原告的主张。The writ was indorsed with details of the plaintiffs claim.

传票上具体批注了原告的主张。The writ was indorsed with details of the plaintiff's claim.

传票上详细批注了原告的主张.The writ was indorsed with details of the plaintiff’s claim.

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他们并没有收到中国当局的任何法律传票。It had not received any legal notices from Chinese authorities.

法庭执行官负责向被告签发传票.The bailiff was in charge of issuing a summons on the defendant.

拉斯柯尔尼科夫刚回到自己房里就接到了警方的传票。Back in his room, Raskolnikov received a summons from the police.