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诚实不会吃亏的。It pays to be honest.

风水轮流转,轮到我吃亏…It's just my turn to suffer loses.

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与其走路,不如问人/多问不吃亏。Better to ask the way than go astray.

吃亏的和解强似胜利的诉讼。A bad compromise is better than a good suit.

当然这样很吃亏,假如你不想吃亏,就该去偷个汉来。But if doing so you certainly suffered loses.

打肿脸充胖子,吃亏是自己。If you get beyond your depth, you' ll suffer.

这次英格兰还会在点球上吃亏吗?Will England lose on penalties again this time?

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在这一新的薪资弹性化政策中吃亏的是女性。Women have lost out in this new pay flexibility.

跟他作生意你是要吃亏的。You will stand to lose if you do business with him.

吃亏是福,不要生太大的气。Disadvantage is a blessing, Do not have too much gas.

为什么不情愿吃亏呢。why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded?

她知道,只要跟紧了凤舞,就不会吃亏。She knows that at all times heel firm the Feng dance, can't suffer a los.

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你这样打肿脸充胖子,到最后只能自己吃亏。If you get beyond your depth like this , it is you who will suffer at last.

用你公司域名的邮箱收发邮件,这让你不会在邮件上吃亏。Send and receive email from your company domain so you don’t suck at email.

亚磊闻言立即着她别容易对德仕改观,免得吃亏。The lei smell speech her dont easy to DE shi change immediately, lest suffer.

不要以为这样自己就会吃亏,可能你会吃点小亏,但不会倒大霉。Don't assume that you will suffer, maybe you will eat small losses, but not goose.

很自然,男孩为了不吃亏,把苹果切成一般大小的两块。Naturally, to protect himself, the boy cut the apple into two pieces of equal size.

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我不只有了折扣,这一年的价格也会再涨,我一点都不吃亏。Not only do I get the discount, but today's price is locked in for a year. I can't lose.

如果帕默试图与卡尔和卡尔的老板对抗,帕默和他的竞选活动将会吃亏。Palmer and his campaign will suffer if he tries to take on Carl and the men he works for.

可能你会害怕受到伤害,被歧视,吃亏,除此之外,你有什么好担心的?What have you got to lose – except perhaps your fear of being hurt, let down, taken advantage of?