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看看到底是个实数还是个浮点数?Is this a real or a float?

老板今天著实数落了我一通。The boss really gave me hell today.

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实数截尾为整型数,肯定会存在误差的。Truncates a real number to an integer.

某些二次方程没有实数根。Some quadratic equations have no real roots.

此外新序列在实数中取直,因此更加实用。The new sequences can be used in many areas.

如果你想去考虑实数的问题。Or if you want to think of it as a real number.

你可以选择0到4间的任意实数You could choose any real number in the interval.

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但不能使用实数,只能使用整数。However, you can't use real numbers, only integers.

使用空格分隔字符串、整数和实数。Blank spaces separate the string, integer, and real numbers.

评分可以是正的或者负的整数或实数。Scores can be positive or negative real numbers or integers.

实数系统的可接受性依赖于实践。The acceptability of real number system depends on practice.

算术整数,有理数,实数。The mathematics of integers, rational numbers, real numbers.

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大多数实数都无法保存在几个字节的内存中。Most real numbers can't be stored in just a few bytes of memory.

单精度数值存储实数数值的近似值。Single-precision numbers store an approximation of a real number.

现行实数理论与ZFC公理集合论中都有矛盾。There are contradictions in current theories of real number and ZFC.

使用实数替换变量可能有助于使这一行为更加清晰。Replacing variables with real numbers might help clarify the behavior.

在大多数现代程序开发环境中,日期被存为实数。In most modern programming environments, dates are stored as real numbers.

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综上所述的结论是,希尔伯特旅馆容纳不下所有的实数。The conclusion is that the Hilbert Hotel can’t accommodate all the real numbers.

实数的字符表表形式由指定的格式决定。The character representation of the real number is dictated by the specified format.

数字九是最高的实数,也指九五至尊的天子。The number nine, being the highest value digit, symbolically represented the emperor.