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持枪相威胁,掠取他人财物的行为。the act of robbing someone at gunpoint.

我很乐意躲开这种公司趁机掠取现金的行为。I’m always happy to avoid a corporate cash grab.

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当一只鲨鱼掠取一只鱼时是因果报应吗?Does karma factor in when a shark snatches up a fish?

他们是残忍的杀人魔鬼,能够喷火,还掠取妇女”。They are cruel killers, breathing fire and capturing women.

如果它被纳粹掠取,黑暗的军队就会开进到整个世界。If it is captured by the Nazis, the armies of darkness will march all over the face of the earth.

在灵感掠取或创作过程中,反复无常是它的表现形式。During inspiration plunder or in the process of creation, play fast and loose is its form of expression.

在“为自我服务“的群体里,强势者会掠取或者忽视弱势者,一直到达成一个平衡为止。In Service-to-Self groups the strong will prey upon or ignore the weak until a homeostasis is established.

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逐步停止对云南森林资源的掠取性开发,加鼎力度维护水源。Forest resources in Yunnan gradually stop predatory development, greater efforts to protect water resources.

它们从每个敌人的家中掠取食物——甚至还会杀死妇女和小孩。They’ve looted food from enemy homes — maybe even killing the women and children. They’ve employed suicide bombings.

它们从每个敌人的家中掠取食物——甚至还会杀死妇女和小孩。They've looted food from enemy homes — maybe even killing the women and children. They'v e employed suicide bombings.

西班牙军队打败阿之台克后,他们能掠取可可豆的供应,把可可豆送回家。After the Spanish soldiers defeated the Aztec empire, they were able to seize the supplies of cacao and send them home.

本拉登的藏匿处这一军事地带四周盘绕着巴军雷达且设有能够曾侦察到“掠取者”等其他非隐形侦察机的系统配备。The compound was surrounded by Pakistani radar and other systems that could have detected Predators or other non-stealth surveillance planes.

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特别是在教育市场的掠取上,苹果采用了尖端的销售运作——有人说其独特,有人说引发忧虑。Apple in particular woos the education market with a state-of-the art sales operation that some say is unique, but others say raises some concerns.

他们是残忍的杀人魔鬼,能够喷火,还掠取妇女”竹他还补充说,龙有叉形的舌头,所以人们认为龙不诚实。"They are cruel killers, breathing fire and capturing women. " He added that people think of dragons as being dishonest because of their forked tongues.

为此,县大队召开了紧急会议,会议商定除掉鬼子内部的汉奸麻富贵,并施行抢回被掠取的军粮行动。Therefore, county brigade, called an emergency meeting, the meeting agreed to remove the traitors in Japanese MaFuGui, and execute saruman seize stores action.

由于19及20世纪时期的西班牙没有资格从殖民扩张中掠取艺术品收藏,因而普拉多保持了它的原有风格,并很明晰的反映了西班牙的鉴赏发展史。Because Spain in the 19th and 20th centuries was in no position to collect art, the Prado kept its original shape, reflecting the history of taste in Spain in a very resonant way.