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我还在默数守候著。I am still waiting for silence.

我们将守候在这儿,迎击敌人。We'll wait here to meet the enemy.

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在那处守候神给你新的指引。And, there you wait for new instructions.

排队守候的时辰我能觉出自己在出汗。And I could feel myself sweating in queues.

母亲彻夜不眠守候着那生病的孩子。The mother sat up all night with the sick child.

在守候的功夫,全豹人移去了另一个角落等他。While waiting everyone moved to the other corner.

一条海鳝静静地在海绵中守候猎物自己上门。Waiting for a meal, a moray eel hides in a sponge.

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在落下的尘埃前久久守候,哭泣。Who keep long vigils by the silent dust, and weep.

格蕾丝仍在守候着那红头发的男孩。Grace is still on the watch for the red- haired boy.

这天晚上,他来到赵思雨家附近守候。That night, he came to the nearby home of Zhao siyu.

民众夜间在警察局外扎营守候。People are camped outside the police station at night.

靛蓝是自由。请用责任去守候。Indigo is for freedom. Take responsibility for yourself.

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我的灵和魂魄,不停守候在妳心门口。My spirit and soul, keep waiting in your heart the door.

我辈于沉默之中守候,等待生命意义显现之日。We wait in silence for these times when sense can be made.

其实真正需要勇气的是守候纯爱。In fact, what really needs courage is cherishing true love.

现在静静的守候同时确保你的工作完美无瑕。For now, bide your time and make sure your work is flawless.

在漫长的守候期间,我们回忆起了我们在家的那些岁月。During the long vigil, we reminisced about our years at home.

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然后,他回去继续工作,下班后,便回到妻子守候着的家里。Then he goes back to the office and, later, home to his wife.

幽幽千年的守候是我心底的孽障。I am waiting for the millennium faint hearts of evil creature.

我已派了一个巡官和两个警官守候在前门那里。I have an inspector and two officers waiting at the front door.