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一群才情横溢的天才。A group of most talented geniuses.

早在他去世前很久,他横溢的音乐才华就成为了传奇。Up to the time of his death, his notable make him become the legendry figue in music.

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孟德尔逊不止天才横溢,更是多产作家,而当中接近四分之一均为合唱作品。Mendelssohn was a child prodigy and prolific composer. Almost one-fourth of his works was choral.

当看到中学生们全情投入地在玩破冰游戏时,我们便发现他们全都天才横溢。We knew they were all very smart students when we saw them playing the ice-breaking game energetically.

英国现代女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫以她横溢的文才、大胆的创新精神在世界文坛上独领风骚。British modern novelist Virginia Woolf was famous for her brilliant literary talent in the literary world.

不管是鼓、钢琴、口琴或大提琴,金源都可轻易的演奏,横溢的才华为他赢得不少荣誉。Also adept in playing the guitar, drums, piano, harmonica and cello, Benny's efforts have earned him significant accolades.

澳非赤霞珠,源于智利,经多位名师精心酿制,果香横溢,色味纯正。Macao and Africa Cabernet Sauvignon from Chile, the number of teacher carefully brewed, fruity Smirnov, pure flavor and color.

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这里没有淋浴设施,水龙头下面没有水池,脏水在地面横溢,甚至流入居民家里。There are no shower facilities and the standpipe taps lack bowls, so water tends to leak into the ground and under people's homes.

她们描述起宴会来纤毫入微,说起故事来风趣横溢,讥笑起一个朋友来也是有声有色。They could describe an entertainment with accuracy, relate an anecdote with humour, and laughed at their acquaintance with spirit.

他曾是新撰组早期精英中的一员,一位天才横溢的剑客。At one time renowned as a talented sword master he was an early member of the elite, albeit troubled, peace keeping squad, Shinsengumi.

麦卡特尼还说,他深感侥幸自己能和迈克尔一同工作,他形容迈克尔是一个才调横溢且拥有温柔心灵的人。McCartney adds, he feels privileged to have worked with Michael, a person he describes as a massively talented individual with a gentle soul.

问问作家,当他面对空白的稿纸,灵感不来,他经验到的焦虑是什麽?他会告诉你,谁是他横溢才华的主子?Ask the writer about the anxiety that he experiences when faced by the blank sheet of paper, and he will tell you who is the turd of his phantay.

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她们的健谈本领真是吓人,描述起宴会来纤毫入微,说起故事来风趣横溢,讥笑起一个朋友来也是有有声有色。Their powers of conversation were considerable. They could describe an entertainment with accuracy, relate an anecdote with humour, and laugh at their acquaintance with spirit.

唯一的国家资助在俄罗斯展出,以纪念“八月政变横溢的勺子和防毒面具的集合,它被塞进一个灰溜溜空间的一室公寓的大小。The only state-funded exhibit in Russia to mark the August coup was Smirnov's collection of spoons and gas masks, and it was crammed into a dingy space about the size of a studio apartment.

江玲年华廿六,明媚动人而又是天才横溢的一位歌唱家,真是才貌双全的一位可人儿,她的爱好是电影、跳舞和搜集唱片,平时更喜欢驾驶那心爱的跑车到处遨游,她的志愿是希望成为一位好歌星及一位好主妇。Kong Ling is single, twenty-six, charming and very eligible. Her lobbies include movies, dancing, records and sports cars. She would like to become a "very good singer and a very good wife".

公司现有250多名雕刻技艺精湛、才情横溢的玉雕技师团队,所雕玉器坚持货真、料佳、形美、意深、工绝的质量标准。We have well established a team with more than 250 skilled jade carving craftsmen. All the jade carvings are made from genuine high-quality raw jade materials and are well-shaped and processed.