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济南铁路局的两位高官已被撤职。Two top officials of the Jinan Railway Bureau were sacked.

这些“阴谋家”被依法撤职逮捕。The " plotters " were then ordered to be placed under arrest.

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这个腐化堕落的市长应当撤职查办。The corrupt mayor should be removed from office and prosecuted.

对公司亏损负有责任的管理层将被撤职。Management of the firm culpable for its losses will be terminated.

他因品行有损军人的名誉而被撤职。He was cashiered for conduct injurious to the reputation of a soldier.

如果是这样,撤职官员就可能不会影响铁路的发展。If so, the dismissals would not necessarily affect railway development.

一旦他们被抓住,她就会名誉扫地,被很不光彩地撤职开除。If they were caught, she would be thrown out in disgrace, dismissed with ignominy.

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也有部分人敢于冒着撤职、骚扰、监禁的风险,站出来说实话。And there were a number who dared to speak up risking dismissal, harassment, or imprisonment.

那个工厂发生爆炸致58人死亡之后,厂长和副厂长都被撤职了。The director and deputy director of the factory have been sacked after an explosion killed 58.

紧接着,铁道部另一位高官张曙光因贪污而被撤职。Zhang Shuguang, another top official in the railways ministry, was later dismissed for corruption.

新化社透析,几名官员,包括地方安全管理局的局长已经被撤职。Xinhua said several officials, including the local head of the work safety bureau, had been sacked.

盛光祖于上周接替因严重违纪而被撤职的刘志军出任铁道部部长。Sheng took office last week to replace Liu Zhijun, who was ousted for "severe violation of discipline."

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哈梅内伊下令Kahrizak监狱必须关闭,其监狱长被撤职并因玩忽职守罪被逮捕。After Khamenei ordered the prison to be closed down, its head was dismissed and arrested for dereliction of duty.

谢亚龙被送去“深造”了,这是党将其干部撤职时常用的手法。Xie Yalong has just been sent on a re-education course, a common party method of separating a cadre from his post.

当日早些时间,加尔布雷斯通过邮件否认自己被炒鱿鱼,但随后纽约证实他被撤职了。Confimation in New York of Galbraith's removal followed his emailed denial earlier in the day that he had been sacked.

卡尔扎伊政营的官员阿尔萨拉·贾马尔今日说,他知道加尔布雷斯被撤职了,但他称这是联合国的“家事”。Arsala Jamal, a Karzai campaign official, said todayhe was aware of Galbraith's removal but called it an internal UN matter.

但是,解除降级、撤职处分的,不视为恢复原级别、原职务。However, the removal of such punishment as demotion or dismissal shall not be deemed as a resumption of the original rank or post.

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造成严重后果的,依法给予降级、撤职、开除的处分。The personnel whose conducts lead to serious consequences shall be subject to the sanction of degradation, dismissal or expulsion.

受到撤职以下行政处分的交通警察,应当降低警衔。The police rank of any traffic policeman who is imposed upon an administrative sanction below removal from post shall be degraded.

巴西国防部长对其他高级官员发表轻蔑言辞,总统迪尔玛·罗赛夫因此将其撤职。President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil has replaced her defence minister after he made disparaging remarks about other senior officials.