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如若你没有被诱惑。When nothing tempts you to stray.

当然,如若需要,我们必定相互帮助。Of course we help each other if necessary.

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如若对光敏感的话,使用此类产品则会是皮肤出疹。If you are photosensitive, you may develop a rash.

主,我莫苟且偷生,如若对你爱减退。Lord, let me never, never, outlive my love for thee.

如若无我,大地将空空如也、死气沉沉,宛如月亮一般苍凉!Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon!

如若没有遵照机型限制要求,此航段将不会得到批准。Non respecting of this will result in a rejected leg.

如若真的转身了。还看得见来时的路。Should the real turn. Is also visible to when the road.

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如若做一份考卷,熟悉相关知识的人可以一挥而就。Some people can easily produce everything they know on a test.

萨克斯比称如若该激素皮质水平在早晨以后的时间内迅速下降,便可断定其主人是健康的。Saxbe says a steeper drop in the hormone is considered healthy.

天下情劫甚多,如若亲情。一人一世界,自己的世界自己做主。Disaster of the world condition is very much, if kiss affection.

我未曾跑遍伦敦各地,但如若成行,想必很是美妙。I haven’t run much here in London but when I have, it’s beautiful.

如若疼痛持续四周以上,就得去看到医生。If the pain persists for more than four weeks, see your physician.

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杀完人之后不会有任何动容,如若无视般品啜着马蒂尼酒一笑了之?He kills people and laughs and sips martinis and wisecracks about it.

如若申请得以批准,我将会万分感激的,再次感谢!I would be greatly obliged if my application is granted. Many thanks.

如若各人自扫门前雪,那么我们的城市将会更加洁净。If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city.

如若依赖此处提供的信息,你将承担所有的风险。Reliance on any information provided herein is solely at your own risk.

我们如若真的学会一样真知得经历四五十变的打磨。We often have to relearn a lesson forty or fifty times to really get it.

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一个女人如若选择了白色内衣,那么她很有可能就是一个虚心求教的人,”她说。A woman who opts for a white bra is usually a willing learner, " she said.

果实如若有情,也是恋栈的。If fruit is affectionate, he will be loath to give up his natal place too.

一颗心如若消逝,冰冻,或者干枯,它能够再生,熔化和萌芽吗?。If a heart dies away, freezes or dries, can it burgeon, melt or revitalize?