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释迦牟尼佛是男性至上主义者吗?Was the Lord Buddha a sexist?

释迦牟尼佛在看着你。Shakyamuni Buddha looking at you.

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壁画上是释迦牟尼在说法。The mural depicts Sakyamuni teaching.

佛祖释迦牟尼的情况亦如是。The same would be true of Gautama Buddha.

释迦牟尼由此得以继续行程。Sakyamuni was thus able to continue his journey.

于是,释迦牟尼能够他的旅程。Sakyamuni was thus able to continue his journey.

这以后,他与释迦牟尼签下誓约,变成了一位佛教徒。He later took vows with Sakyamuni, becoming a Buddhist.

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那麽释迦牟尼佛为什麽不直截了当的告诉我们呢?Then why did Buddha Shakyamuni not tell us so directly?

为释迦牟尼的右胁侍,“华严三圣”之一。He is the right retinue, one of the Three Saints of Hua-yen.

最初的八座佛塔中安放的就是释迦牟尼的佛骨舍利。The first eight stupas were created to hold the Buddha's remains.

一个接着一个,释迦牟尼以他的智慧和美德征服了他们。One by one, Gautama met the armies and defeated them with his virtue.

壁上,塔柱上面,雕刻有释迦牟尼佛传教事。Wall, above Tower, a sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha do missionary work.

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有一天,他从很远的地方回来,拜访释迦牟尼佛。On one occasion, Mahakasyapa returned from far away to see Shakyamuni Buddha.

释迦牟尼获得了无上智慧,知道了事情的根本。He had gained the most supreme wisdom and understood things as they truly are.

我们都是佛的弟子,应该向本师释迦牟尼佛学习忍耐的功夫。As the Buddha's disciples, we should learn the skill of patience from our teacher.

事实上,本片正是以佛祖释迦牟尼及甘地传达非暴力的要求。In fact, there is a plea for non-violence with reference to both Buddha and Gandhi.

释迦牟尼佛是个谦逊的人,他尊重、帮助和照顾每一个人。Shakyamuni Buddha was a humble person who respected, helped, and cared for everyone.

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教师进修的制度是释迦牟尼佛首创的。The continuing education system for teachers was first established by Buddha Shakyamuni.

其后是大雄宝殿,殿中矗立着一尊19米高的释迦牟尼的座像。Behind it is the Great Hall, where the magnificent 19-meter-high statue of Sakyamunisits.

我还是很想谢谢释迦牟尼大哥让我看清了什么是梦幻泡影。I still wanna say thanks for Sakyamuni let me seen a dreamy illusion and an empty bubble.