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要保持一种办现公事时一本正经的神态。Keep a Poker face in business situations.

您是公事还是探亲访友?Are you on business or visiting relatives?

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按公事说,我是不该到这里来的。E. g. I'm not officially supposed to be here.

不要把公事与私事混为一谈。Don’t confound public affairs with private ones.

谨慎的人的嘴,把公事变成隐私。In a discreet man's mouth, a publick thing is private.

原谅我要和你丈夫谈点公事了,好吗?。You'll forgive me if I talk business with your husband?

当他们坐下来的时候会把他们的手袋或者公事包藏起来吗?Do they hide their handbags or briefcases when they sit down?

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市长先生不望他,仍旧批他的公事。The mayor did not look at him, but went on annotating this docket.

的繁琐公事程序,我误了联程航班。Because of all red tape at immigration I missed my connecting flight.

一名优秀的员工会把公事与私事清楚地划分开来。A good employee has a clear line between business and private affairs.

由于移民局方面令人讨厌的繁琐公事程序,我误了联程航班。Because of all the red tape at immigration I missed my connecting flight.

这是在搜寻公事上的资料,而不得谓之读书。It is asking for business advice and information, and not reading at all.

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兄台,你天天跟网站大师谈“公事”,谈了整整一周。Dude, you and the webmaster have been talking "business" every day for a week.

唐正过来后很不好意思的和唐力说今天是过来谈公事的。Tang Zheng came very embarrassed and Tang Li said today is to talk about business.

我还可以告诉你,”他补充说,“我来这儿要办的公事就是找你。I may as well tell you, "he added, "that the business I came here for was just tofind you.

我知道大公司有时候会有关于不准夫妻公事的规定。LISA I know that large corporations sometimes have policies about spouses working together.

双方代表团的成员都说英语,但阿拉法特在谈公事时总是讲阿拉伯语。The members of both delegations spoke English, but Arafat always conducted business in Arabic.

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给你提个醒,如果碰到专干,你就对他说,‘是上街给学校买板擦,公事。’Give you a warning, if else, you can say to him, ' is the Shangjie school buy eraser, business.

罗斯和瑞秋约会,却因公事被召回博物馆。Ross and Rachel begin dating. One of their dates is interrupted when Ross is paged to the museum.

班布尔先生在城里办完了公事,刚在一家酒馆里吃了一顿非常满意的饭菜。Mr Bumble had completed his business in the city, and had just finished a most satisfactory meal in a pub.