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是,很有格里高利•克鲁德逊风格。Yea, yea, very Gregory Crewdson style.

1972年被教皇册封为圣格里高利骑士指挥官。In 1972 he was made a Knight Commander of St.

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教皇十六世格里高利在1837年建立了伊特鲁里亚博物馆。Pope Gregory XVI established the Etruscan Museum in 1837.

格里高利•派克因出演1962年的电影版而获得奥斯卡奖。Gregory Peck won an Academy Award for the 1962 film version.

第二章讲述了格里高利圣咏的音乐特征。Chapter Two tells of the music characteristics of Gregorian Chant.

格列高利十六到了八十岁还是身躯挺直、笑容满面的。Gregory XVI. , at the age of eighty, held himself erect and smiling.

1582年罗马教皇格列高利十三世引进了一个新的却非常相似的历法。In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII introduced a new, but very similar, calendar.

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对培高利特治疗高催乳素血症进行临床疗效观察。Clinical efficacy of pergolide in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia was observed.

对一些人来说格里高利•帕罗尔曼的决定并不陌生,他曾经拒绝过类似的奖励。His decision came as little surprise to some, as he has a history of declining prizes.

以格里高利圣咏为代表的早期基督教音乐,从某种意义上来讲,是西方音乐的重要源头。Represented by Gregorian Chant, it is a significant source of Western music in a sense.

加拿大圭尔夫大学的T•莱恩•格里高利博士煞费苦心的创作出这样的细菌艺术品。Microbial art is the brainchild of Dr T Ryan Gregory from Canada's University of Guelph.

教皇格列高利三世将每年11月1日定为“众圣人节”,以此纪念圣人和殉道者。Pope Gregory III designated November 1st All Saints' Day, a time to honor saints and martyrs.

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在独唱独奏中,对乐曲加以装饰,早在格列高利圣咏中已经出现。In solo recitals, the pieces to be decorated, as early as the Gregorian chant in have emerged.

教堂的墙壁装饰1779年由神圣的僧侣和格里高利加布里埃尔从卡斯托利亚。The church's walls were decorated in 1779 by the holy monks Gabriel and Gregory from Kastoria.

梅尔·费勒和赫本第一次相见是在格里高利·派克的聚会上,在1954年9月他们走进婚姻的殿堂。Ferrer and Hepburn met at one of Gregory Peck's parties, and they were married in September 1954.

不少拥有土地的单位“囤积居奇”,等待获取高利或暴利的时机。Many units owned land "hoarding", or wait for the acquisition of Gao Li profiteering opportunity.

在高利差的情况下,我们仍然显示了我们能筹资还债。“Despite the high spreads, we have shown that we can refinance our debt,” says Mr Papathanassiou.

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597年,教皇格里高利派遣圣奥古斯廷去英格兰,使异教徒的英国人皈依基督教。In 597, pope Gregory I sent st.Augustine to England to convert the heathen English to Christianity.

迪卡唱片公司在全世界找寻能把格列高利圣歌咏唱的最好的女性,最后选择了修女。Decca Records chose the nuns after a worldwide search for the best female Gregorian chant performers.

该行业高利的状况一去不返,属于只生产顺酐类型企业前景不佳。Those who only produced maleic anhydrite with high profit are no longer optimistic about their future.