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我们把屋子拾掇一下。Let's tidy up the room.

你的家务事拾掇好没?Have you done your chores?

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等拾掇齐整了,还不耽误下地干活。And clean neat, do not delay to work.

我花了一个下午的时间拾掇我的狗。I spent the afternoon dressing my dogs.

现在可以为您拾掇房间了吗?May I do the turn-down service for you now?

你必需先拾掇好宿舍才干分开。You must you dorm together before you leave.

“这儿你拾掇得——很怡人,”他重复说。"It's delicious--what you've done here, " he repeated.

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一位正在拾掇花园的妇女从后院走了出来。A woman appears from the backyard where she's gardening.

完成任务后你最好把这些东西拾掇起来。You'd better pick up the tools after finishing the work.

时间一天天过去,第五天了,大天鹅已经在拾掇行囊了。Time was gone, Swan had packed their things in the fifth day.

这是给你的公寓或房子拾掇一下的好时机。It's time to get serious about fixing up your apartment or house!

在约定时间的两小时前,我开始拾掇自己。Two hours before we were supposed to go out, I started getting cleaned up.

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于是自己拾掇出一份空间,在心底悄悄地把你藏进来。So tidy up their own out of a space, in the possession of your heart come quietly.

爸爸生气的准备拾掇行李搬家,他要带多智和多恩分开牧场。Dad angry prepare luggage move, he pushed to take much wisdom and donne separate pasture.

我不喜好他人为我拾掇整顿房间,因为没人晓得我能常把东西放哪。I don't like anyone else to arrange my room for me, no one knows where I usually put my stuff.

拾掇起最后一片绿叶,走在梧桐叶满地的路上,不禁产生一种诗意盎然。I picked up the last green leaf , walking on the Parasol leaves , I can't help think the poem.

我没有时间好好打包了——胡乱拾掇了几件东西就立即动身。I haven't time to pack properly—I'll just chuck a few things together and set off straight away.

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星期一一大早,爸爸就拾掇好他的行李包,吻过妈妈就动身回锯木厂。Monday morning early, Dad would pack up his duffel bag, kiss Mom and start back for the sawmill.

这帮绿皮的服装总是五颜六色,因为那是各种制服碎片拾掇在一起的产物。This often leads to multi-coloured clothing, since fragments of various uniforms end up sewn together.

为了拾掇顽强的姜窦,宋斐给曾经精疲力尽的姜窦又增加了两公里!For weeks, SongFei stubborn ginger sinus have been exhausted ginger added two kilometers sinus! ! ! ! !